I weep with the great IRISH actor (born and raised in county Kerry) Michael Fassbinder for what Medium could have been

3 Brilliant Lampoons of Medium Charlatans

Today’s “Must-Read”: Henry Wismayer Lampoons “Life-Hacking” Listicle “Writers”

Augusta Khalil Ibrahim
2 min readMay 25, 2017


Did I say three? Henry Wismayer has written three more articles on similar topics PLUS I’ve tossed an extra link in for your perusal.

Hi Ev Williams and Biz Stone,

Henry wrote these articles a long time ago.

Please tell me that you realize that it’s a problem.

You must be aware that the top article on Medium is, well, you know…

How long more do you think you can retain good writers while the system is being gamed and Medium gets overwhelmed with derivative writing?

Best wishes from the woman who read 20,000 articles on Medium in 2016 and wrote at least 150,000 words on your platform.

Do the right thing,


