A Cyborg’s Deep Dream

We ran some of the artwork from our game, Chainsaw Warrior, through Google’s Deep Dream generator.

Auroch Digital
3 min readAug 14, 2015

There’s a good chance you have noticed a bunch of strange, psychedelic photos while browsing through your Facebook or Twitter feeds recently. If you’re wondering why your friend’s profile picture now looks like an experimental new prog-folk album, blame Google.

Google’s Deep Dream generator is a piece of software which recognises certain elements of whatever picture you feed it and enhances, embellishes and transforms it into a swirling, kaleidoscopic piece of artwork, adding trippy human and animal faces, patterns, structures, mountains etc. which become more numerous and multi-layered the more you look at it. See the before and after example below;

Our game, Chainsaw Warrior, has some cool artwork which we’re really proud of, featuring sprawling combat scenes with numerous monsters, zombies, rat-men and more. We thought we’d jump on the bandwagon and put some of the official game art into Google’s Deep Dream generator to see what it would make of it;

We liked what this one did with the sky behind Chainsaw Warrior, though it didn't seem to find the pile of skulls very interesting, which was a shame.

Deep Dream seems to like faces, so we put the main promotional image for the first Chainsaw Warrior game through, which turned out awesome;

Both Chainsaw Warrior games are currently available on a pay-what-you-want basis in the Humble Mobile Bundle, on Android. We also have a card submission contest, more info on this can be found here.



Auroch Digital

Games consultancy & developer based in Bristol, UK. Wishlist our latest game Dark Future: Blood Red States 💥 http://bit.ly/wishlistDF