“Let Your Parents Live on the Second Floor, I’m Doing It for Their Own Good” “You’re Just Doing It for the Money”

Aurora Destiny
4 min readMay 13, 2024
Photo by Bernard Hermant on Unsplash

They say that filial piety comes first, but in today’s society, it’s not easy to find people who can truly practice it perfectly.

Taking care of our parents is a natural responsibility, and it’s only fair that we give them a happy life when they’re old, just like they took care of us when we were young.

So, those who know how to take care of their parents will have a more beautiful life.

However, taking care of our parents is not just about saying it, but about doing it. When two people get married, they should also take care of each other’s parents, which is an unavoidable responsibility.

But in reality, can people really do it? The answer might not be a straightforward yes. When facing our own parents, we might be willing to do our best, but when facing our partner’s parents, we might not be as willing to show our sincerity, which can lead to huge conflicts between couples.

Recently, a friend sent me a letter, and here’s what she wrote:

My husband and I have been married for ten years. At first, I chose to marry him because he seemed like a reliable person, but after we got married, I realized he wasn’t like that at all. Before we got married, he would always bring a smile to my parents’ faces whenever he visited them, which made them really like him.

But after we got married, he became like a stranger, never bothering to visit my parents or even talk to them, which made me really angry.

After we had kids, I chose to tolerate it, thinking that couples should learn to be patient and understanding, and that we should try to make a big deal out of small things and small deals out of big things.

Although I’ve tried to communicate with him peacefully, it didn’t work, and my parents also had a lot of opinions about it, thinking that he was a completely different person before and after we got married.

But to keep the family happy, they didn’t express their dissatisfaction. A few days ago, our hometown started developing tourism, and many villagers turned their first floors into storefronts.

When my husband heard about it, he wanted us to do the same, saying it would be a good way to make money.

But my parents aren’t very mobile, so living on the second floor would be very inconvenient for them. Yet, he insisted that my parents live on the second floor, saying it was for their own good.

I directly told him that he was just doing it for the money.

This led to a huge conflict between us, and we’ve been cold towards each other for a long time.

In reality, many people face similar difficulties, but in the end, many people choose to prioritize their own interests.

As the younger generation, we should think more about our elders and not make things difficult for them because of our own selfish desires.

After hearing her story, everyone might have some reflections.

In reality, married couples should also take care of each other’s parents and treat them equally, without any bias.

If one person changes their attitude, it will lead to huge conflicts between the two people.

Taking care of our elders is something every younger generation should do, and we shouldn’t do things that harm our elders because of our own interests. A family’s harmony depends on the joint efforts of all family members, and only when everyone thinks about each other can the family be more harmonious and happy.

Interest Is Not Everything

When facing interests, everyone’s heart will be moved, but interests are not the only thing in life. When you sacrifice your family’s happiness for your own interests, that’s going against reality.

Life is full of ups and downs, and everyone faces difficulties, so when you’re thinking about your own interests, you should also consider others. Family life needs the joint efforts of two people, and if you only think about yourself when faced with problems, that relationship won’t last long.

Couples Must Work Together

A family’s happiness often depends on the joint efforts of the couple, and a family’s harmony requires the joint operation of two people. In reality, the relationship between couples will have many trivial matters, and conflicts are a normal part of life. But what’s scary is not knowing how to solve the problems.

As Tagore once said, “The eyes are crying for her, but the heart is holding an umbrella for her, that’s love.”

In the world of emotions, two people will have many grievances, but when faced with problems, we can’t blame each other. Instead, we should learn to be kind to each other, communicate, and give each other more care and love.

If a couple can work together, they can make their family life happier. If they can’t even do that, their relationship will be in shambles.

Take Care of Your Elders Early

Taking care of our parents is our responsibility and duty. It’s not easy for our parents to raise us, so when they’re old, we should try our best to give them the best life possible. Since we’ve gotten married and become a family, we should treat our parents well, regardless of whose parents they are. Only then can our family life be exceptionally happy and fulfilling.

Every family has its own troubles, and family conflicts are unavoidable. But when we face family conflicts, we should learn to communicate with each other and understand each other. Only then can we gain more happiness.

If everyone only cares about their own interests, then that relationship is meaningless.



Aurora Destiny

Passionate storyteller specializing in heartfelt tales of love, emotions, and personal connections. Join me on a journey of human experiences.