Love to the Extreme: What It Takes

Aurora Destiny
4 min readJun 18, 2024


In the world of love, we all have beautiful expectations. But relationships need a certain amount of balance. When love reaches its peak, it looks like this.

A Two-Way Street:

Annie Baby once said, “Men don’t love women, they just need them.”

In real life, only a man who truly loves you will be inseparable from you. If a man is just going through the motions with you, then his love for you is far less than your feelings for him. So, don’t get lost in love, ladies. Only when you find someone who truly cares for you will you find happiness.

Many women, once in love, will jump into the fire. But this is the dumbest thing you can do. Because the moment you give yourself, your value to him will decrease, and you will become cheaper in his eyes.

Remember what Qian Zhongshu said about his wife? He called her the “most talented woman.”

This shows that only when a man truly loves you will you be perfect in his eyes.

If his love for you is just about profit or desire, then your relationship won’t last. True love is a two-way street. If it’s just one person going through fire and water, then love will eventually disappear. So, learn to be smart, ladies. Only by keeping your eyes open in love can you find happiness.

Many relationships break down because the two people don’t know how to love. Only when two people truly love each other will they always put each other first. They understand that a two-way street is more meaningful.

Absolute Loyalty:

Flirting hurts you and the other person. Yang Jiang once said, “Never chat with the opposite sex for no reason. No one will be good to you for no reason.”

In real life, this also tells us that flirting hurts you and the other person. If you really like someone, then you can openly declare your love. If you always flirt with each other, then your relationship will become meaningless.

In today’s fast-food love world, true passion and sincerity are rare. Flirting will only hurt you. If you don’t know how to cut your losses, you’ll end up with wounds all over your body.

When we face love, we should all have our own loyalty. If you’re always flirting, your love will be meaningless. Love should be open and honest, not hidden. True love will be blessed by everyone, while bad love should be killed in the cradle. So, not flirting is the most basic respect for love.

If two people are truly in love, they will be absolutely loyal to each other. It’s not easy to be together. Only when you learn to cherish each other will your love become more meaningful.

Overcoming Anxiety:

Love needs to overcome anxiety. What does it really feel like to love someone deeply? Not long ago, a reader left a comment on the back end. When I saw this question, I felt something inside.

Because it’s not hard to like someone. But loving someone deeply can sometimes be a disaster. When you truly love someone, your anxiety will follow you like a shadow. So, in love, we need to learn to overcome this anxiety. Only then will your relationship last longer.

Some people, once in love, become self-doubting. They even doubt their partner. If the other person makes a small mistake, they think they don’t love them anymore or that they have someone else.

Think about it carefully. Why does this happen? It’s because of love. But love isn’t wrong. What’s wrong is that we don’t know how to nurture love.

In love, you need to overcome anxiety. If you’re always self-doubting, even doubting your partner, then your love won’t last. Good love needs two people to face it together, not just one person’s effort.

In real life, if you’re always anxious, even a little panicked in love, you won’t get more security in love.

Maybe many people will say, “Only when he gives me enough happiness can I feel love.” But in reality, true love is a two-way street.

If you want someone to love you, then you need to give them special love first. Learn to overcome anxiety, and you’ll find the best way to love each other. When you learn to nurture love, love will become more beautiful.

The reason why a relationship can last is that they know how to overcome anxiety. Only when two people trust each other will love become more beautiful.

Good love isn’t just one person’s effort. It needs two people to face it together. When love reaches a certain level, your relationship will become more beautiful. So, only when two people truly love each other will they think from each other’s perspective.



Aurora Destiny

Passionate storyteller specializing in heartfelt tales of love, emotions, and personal connections. Join me on a journey of human experiences.