When a Man Has These Three Strong Desires for You, It Shows He Loves You to the Core

Aurora Destiny
4 min readMar 28, 2024


Photo by Motoki Tonn on Unsplash

“What kind of man truly loves you?” This is a question that most women care about.

Every woman desires to meet a man who deeply loves her and shares a happy life together. However, in reality, love stories often end sadly, and not everyone can find their true love.

In real life, if a man truly loves you, the details will reveal the truth.

If a man has these three strong desires for you, it means he loves you deeply.

Has a strong sense of dependency on you

Shakespeare once said: “Love makes a coward brave and a brave man a coward.”

Men are often seen as strong, but they can also be fragile, facing the fatigue of work and life, they carry hidden pains.

A man who truly loves you can sometimes act like a child and sometimes like a father.

When a man is deeply in love with you, he wants to spend every moment with you, showing a strong sense of dependency on you, proving he doesn’t want to lose you.

James and his girlfriend have been together for five years, with James being the one who pursued her.

At the beginning, he tried various methods to win her over, facing her rejections until she finally agreed to be with him due to his persistence.

After confirming their relationship, James became very dependent on her, always wanting to be close to her. Now, after five years together, his dependency on her has only grown stronger.

This year, they are planning to get married, taking the next step in their relationship.

James’ girlfriend has long been accustomed to his dependency.

James says he is now used to her presence and would feel sad if he couldn’t see her one day.

When a man expresses such feelings, it undoubtedly shows true love.

In real life, a man who truly loves you will have a great dependency on you. Only when you hold a significant place in a man’s heart will he always cherish you.

If you have a clingy boyfriend in real life, don’t find him annoying, as that is also a way of showing love.

Has a strong possessive nature towards you

Men have strong possessiveness. In real life, they don’t allow any other opposite-sex individuals to come between them and their girlfriend. If a man is very possessive of you, it means he loves you deeply.

Men with strong possessiveness towards you are the ones who love you the most, fearing your departure and potential harm from others.

A man who truly loves you will always care about your whereabouts and life because he knows you need to be cherished. Therefore, when you get close to other opposite-sex individuals, he might feel jealous, which is a cute side of men.

A man with strong possessiveness towards you will show more care in real life and will be concerned about your activities. If you meet such a good man, make sure to cherish him.

Protects you in every situation

Hugo once said: “The first sign of true love, in a boy is timidity, in a girl is boldness.”

Being biased and protective are essentially the same. When a man truly loves you, he will give you all his love and likes. A man who truly loves you will unconditionally favor you because he knows that showering you with affection will elevate your relationship.

Unconditionally favoring someone is the highest form of love.

When conflicts arise with others, a man who truly loves you will not care about who is right or wrong but will first ask if you are hurt. This is a sign of his bias towards you.

A man who favors you will always choose to trust you, giving you full trust at all times. Being with such a man will provide you with a sense of security.

In relationships, everyone expresses love differently. When a man truly loves you and has these three strong desires for you, it proves his deep love for you.

Men and women express love differently. Men are more profound, while women are more subtle. When a man truly loves you, he won’t deceive you with sweet words but will show his love through genuine actions that make you feel loved.

In real life, love is pure. Someone who truly loves you won’t use many love tactics but will sincerely show their love through actions. If you meet such a man, learn to cherish him well.

No one can be with you forever, and no one is obligated to treat you well. But if a man constantly guards you, shows care, it proves his deep love for you.

Love is something we encounter, not something we can demand. In this era of fast-food love, finding sincere love, we should learn to cherish it.

Some people are gone once they miss the chance. Let’s hope that when we have happiness, we can grasp it and not regret it after losing it.



Aurora Destiny

Passionate storyteller specializing in heartfelt tales of love, emotions, and personal connections. Join me on a journey of human experiences.