Create and List a Solana Token in a UI with Zero Development in 5 Minutes

Austerity Sucks
9 min readOct 31, 2021


Memecoins are hot right now, and on Solana it’s never been easier to create your own token, get it listed on a market, and get liquidity going — with no engineers or developers involved.

The tool is “DexLab” — a laboratory for you to easily create Solana SPL tokens — your very own shitcoin factory:

All you have to do is sign up and it’s free (well, minor Solana transaction costs) to create a token with no command-line / CLI needed, purely on GUI in a website.

It’s basically “Creating a token on Solana for dummies” in four easy steps. If you don’t already — you should download so that you have a local Solana wallet (this will be used to connect to DexLab/Serum and Raydium with your tokens).

Step 1: Mint your Token on Solana

First go to (Deposit Wallet link on menu on left) and add a bit of SOL to cover transactions.

Then go to Token and “My Token List”: and click “Create Token”

You’ll have to fill in things like:

  • Link to an image for the token
  • Project Name / Category
  • Ticker Symbol and Supply

Pick your Symbol and Supply very wisely. The ticker symbol is what people will be referring to on social media.

Supply will determine what your market cap is versus the price it’s trading at. The higher the better:

  • Doge has 131,000,000,000 (131 million)
  • SHIB has 1,000,000,000,000,000 (1 quadrillion)

Traders have a unit bias where they like to hold large amounts and psychologically see low prices (fractions of a penny) as “cheap”.

Once you submit, it will do three on-chain transactions minting it out of a wallet that you create within the DexLab platform.

Access your tokens in the

You need to check “Show Sub Wallets” to see the “token addresses” that are tied to your wallet:

And there it is, can send your new tokens around to whoever or whatever you want.

This is really important — you just click Send and enter your Phantom or Sollet wallet address and then you have the tokens ready to go!

Note: Save the Mint ID because this will be useful to give to your community so they can add it to various tools to interact with your token.

Step 2: Create Serum Market for your Token vs USDC

So cool, now you have a token — but, thats not really useful in and of itself. Need to have a trading pair, or a market, for it to be traded to bring people into your community. In other words, your asset priced in some other asset where people can buy and sell between the two.

For this, DexLab also has a UI that uses Serum, the hub for all trading of Solana assets. So not only does it let you create a token easily, but it also let’s you make a trading pair market and lists it for people to navigate and find it immediately on

Basically it’s a one-stop shop to create and list your token on Solana, all with a simple UI — within 5 minutes.

Go to (“List Your Market” in menu) and click the “Create Market ID”:

You need to click the LEFT one first to create Market Id. You can not Add Market Listing without having a Serum Market ID first!

This will let you create the Serum market ID for your token. Just fill in the token Mint address for BASE, which you can find in your tokens page:

and use USDC for Quote ( EPjFWdd5AufqSSqeM2qN1xzybapC8G4wEGGkZwyTDt1v ) :

Make sure your tick size is small enough to cover the pricing expectations you want to set — if you’re not sure than 0.00001 is fine for a 100M+ supply. You’ll probably just want to use Minimum Order Size 1.

When you “Submit”— you’ll have transactions to approve to get it completed.

SAVE THE MARKET ID THAT IS GENERATED WHEN YOU CONFIRM THE TRANSACTIONS! THIS WILL BE NEEDED FOR FUTURE STEPS! Plus when you are promoting your market this is what people need as a reference of where to trade your token on Raydium, DexLab, and other Serum UIs.

(if you lost it for some reason, you can look at your wallet history to find the transactions…)

Note: This step is what will cost you about 3–4 SOL. It’s purely network costs, but it’s the most important because it’s the actual thing that lets your token be traded — not just on DexLab, but any UI that is supporting Serum markets — just use your market ID as reference.

Step 3: Get Your Market Listed on DexLab GUI

Now, DexLab’s trading UI is important because that is where people can discover your market.

Go on go to “Add Market Listing” which will publish your token’s market onto DexLab’s “Extras” section:

That will load this page, which are the details that DexLab will show for your token pair listing:

Add a logo for your coin and fill in the other information.

It may take 1–2 days for it to appear with price/volume data in the menu, but you can navigate to — where the string after /market/ is the Serum market ID. Part of the benefit here is that the trades history and chart data are preserved, unlike other Serum UI’s which you have to manually add the market ID in your browser.

Now you’ve officially got your token created AND your market live!

You will need to send your tokens from your minting panel to your Phantom or Sollet wallet in order to sell them on the market you created. You will need USDC to set buy orders.

Two useful id’s to save and keep in mind re: Mint Address (identifies your token on Solana) and Market Id (on Serum).

Note: Similar to Uniswap, there appears to be bots that are tracking early listings and buying portions of any liquidity that gets thrown up on the orderbooks. Be careful to only add sells that you want filled or someone my come in and buy it up fast.

Any markets using tokens that users spin up themselves are filed under the “Extra” tab on the DexLab trading UI, where you have a diverse collection of assets like WOOF, Solana CUM, SolShib, and SolDoge:

The panel is sorted by Volume (USDC) descending, so when yours does pop up it will be at the bottom:

Obviously there are projects at the top of the list who are washtrading in order to have higher volume and appear higher on the list. This is not terribly costly:

Basically 18bp (0.18%) on a trade — so washtrading $100,000 of volume costs you $180. Some projects seem to consider this a marketing cost as it puts higher on the list.

Step 4: Get Liquidity on the Market for your Token

Finally, the most important aspect of a market is having some kind of liquidity, which Raydium can provide on their AMM, where you just add the assets to have a pool:

When you enter a market ID you can choose the price point to start with, and then the amount of tokens you add, which will determine how much USDC you have to add as well.

So if you choose a starting price of $0.00005 and a token amount of 100,000,000, then it will add 1,000 USDC of liquidity into a Raydium pool (like Pancake Swap on Binance Smart Chain). Raydium’s docs say to use 10,000 USD equivalent to ensure orders get placed. Be careful not to use too low of a starting price — it must be above your tick price set in Step 2.

When you have added liquidity, the 1,000 USDC and 100,000,000 of your token will be put into a pool that Raydium, which users can swap directly. Also very important, Serum central-limit orderbook market orders will be placed by Raydium from the liquidity. Once you add the tokens, you will get in your wallet in replacement LP tokens represent the ownership of the liquidity (aka the set of the two assets). Think of it like a receipt where you can pull out the set of the two assets, which may vary in proportion and accumulate swap fees. If you want to show your community that you will not rug pull the liquidity, you can “burn” the LP tokens you got. Note: if lots of people are buying the token from the pool, it will accumulate significant amounts of USDC — as people buy, they add USDC; and take tokens, and the price of the token in the pool rebalances.

You can start small to test it — but adding liquidity on Raydium will add orders to the Serum orderbooks too — so it’s not as high maintenance as having to run a marketmaker bot yourself. It ensures that no matter what, there will be some liquidity both in Raydium for swapping and in Serum orderbooks.

And voila — these four steps have given you:

  1. A token on Solana
  2. A Serum DEX market ID
  3. Your market listed on DexLab (UI for Serum)
  4. Liquidity on your market

People can trade your token on the market either in the orderbook or on a PancakeSwap style “swap” tool using your Mint ID.

Extra Step

Now that you have a token and market, to complete your “project”, just:

And there you have it, keep your market liquid and keep paying shills to promote it and you just may make it.


SHIB on Ethereum is wildly popular. They minted 1 quadrillion coins and gave half the supply to Vitalik and put the other half into a Uniswap pool versus ETH.

Here’s how you make SHIB on Solana:

  1. Mint new token symbol “SHIB” with supply = 1,000,000,000,000,000 on
  2. Create Serum market for SHIB/USDC
  3. Send half of it to Anatoly’s Solana address (sorry Anatoly!)
  4. Go to and enter your market ID from (2) and a price of 0.00000001 — this will also require you to put up USDC
  5. Get it listed on DexLab immediately at:

There you have it — a meme coin with liquidity in a matter of 10 minutes and only about 3 SOL in network fees.


It’s never been easier to create your own SPL token project on Solana.

Turn-key shitcoin factory for you to make whatever Food token, Dog coin, or whatever other trend.

The limit is only your imagination and marketing skills.

Could your meme coin be the next DOGE, SHIB, or SAMO?



Austerity Sucks

aka swapman. I'm co-admin of and do stuff with cryptocurrency derivatives.