Class Struggle Poll Canvassing

Austin DSA
3 min readMar 2, 2020


Austin DSA (Democratic Socialists of America) has endorsed four class-struggle candidates for the 2020 election.

🌹Bernie Sanders is the leader of our multiracial working class movement fighting for universal healthcare and a dignified life for all.
🌹Heidi Sloan is a veteran DSA organizer who will be the first democratic socialist congress member from Texas.
🌹Dominic Selvera (DSA member) and Jose Garza are running for Travis County Attorney and District Attorney to end cash bail and make sure that no one sleeps in jail without having been convicted of a crime.

We have knocked on tens of thousands of doors but despite our incredible volunteer-driven campaign, many voters will arrive at the polls without any idea of who they will vote for. And some voters remain to be persuaded. So it is critical for us to spend election day at every polling site and unashamedly speak with as many voters as we can about our slate and our movement. Here’s how:

Stand somewhere where you can see people heading into the polling location. Be loud and be confident. Stock up on our beautiful Get Out The Vote literature that highlights all four of our candidates. As you see someone approach, ask them:

“Howdy, are you heading down to vote? Do you agree that everyone should have a dignified life?”

Most people agree with this idea! You can quickly then ask:

“Have you heard of Heidi Sloan?”

Many will not have heard of Heidi. Next you’ll say something like:

“I can’t tell if she’s in your district because of gerrymandering, but the quickest way to describe Heidi is that she’s the next AOC, but from Texas, which will show that our movement can win anywhere.

These other two candidates at the bottom (of our lit), Dominic Selvera and Jose Garza, are running to be prosecutors to make sure that no one will sleep in jail without having been convicted of a crime. Tonight, thousands of people will sleep in jail for no reason. Isn’t that messed up?”

Most people agree!

“I’m asking you to vote for these candidates because I believe that we can have a better world. People don’t need to sleep in jail for no reason. You and I don’t need to have student or medical debt. Hard-working people don’t need to be working two jobs for less than $15 an hour. This is the richest country in the history of the world and everyone here can have a dignified life. Are you going to vote for Bernie and our slate?”

Many people will say that they’ll think about it.

“Great! The line in there is long, you’ll have some time to review what we wrote on there and think about our conversation. Have a great day!”

That’s a typical, quick conversation. You should make it personal but you’ll want to keep it brief and clear. You’ll have plenty of practice as the day goes on. But do not be shy. Never be sorry for inviting someone into our movement.

There are going to be a small number of haters and some other people who are just not used to the idea of talking about politics. If they express discomfort, stay strong. You are fighting for the better world we all deserve and it is our bosses and landlords who don’t want us to talk to each other about how our lives can and should be better. Never get into an argument either, and if someone makes it clear that they don’t want to speak with you after you make your first points, it’s fine to walk away and wish them a good day.

Stay strong and smile. We are going to win, and the working class movement we are building as members of the Democratic Socialists of America is going to change the world.



Austin DSA

We are the Austin Chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America. We are organizing to win Medicare for All, a Green New Deal, and a political revolution.