Never Trump? Please. Resist Stupidity.

Authenticity News
8 min readJul 17, 2017


Published July 17, 2017 BY Leroy Cunningham — Authenticity News

2016 Democratic National Bernie Sanders Delegate Leroy Cunningham in front of the Black Men For Bernie Bus during the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, PA

The Democrats very public “Never Trump” and “Not My President” attacks on President Donald Trump are escalating and being driven by disgusting and corrupt politicians, MSM and independent YouTube sell-outs, who helped cheat Bernie Sanders and ensure a Donald Trump win. My Grandfather would call these folks lying farts because they have an incredible social odor. I am ranting about the operatives within the Democratic National Committee (DNC); Hillary Clinton, Donna Brazile, CNN, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, MSNBC, John Podesta, Trevor Noah, TYT, and Robert Reich who are encouraging, no, demanding that stupid Americans resist Trump and scream for his impeachment.

The not-so-liberal train-wreck MSM is working in concert with their Soros-type backers and some Republicans, to continue spreading the false Trump/Russian collusion and the apparently debunked Russian hack narratives. Why are these sick bastard carrying on with their lies? Perhaps the cash-strapped DNC needs to create a plausible explanation for why Hillary Clinton spent $1.2 Billion and lost to a game show host. The answer however is a simple four words; untrustworthy, criminal, not electable. Hey folks, the DNC just want your money, so they are promoting Trump as the new paper tiger that we must give our dollars to fight. They will get zero dollars from me because they stole my Democracy-Dollars in 2016. I will not forget or forgive.

Second, Deep State plans are contingent upon destabilizing America and nations like Syria, Eastern Ukraine, Yemen, Iran, and Venezuela, at the bequest of criminal clients like Wall Street, Saudi Arabia, and Israel. Their hope is to keep Americans off balance politically, and to diminish Iranian, Russian and Chinese influence and power in the Middle East, Africa and other countries. At the root of their recent deceptions is the need to prop up the 1% economy by selling more weapons to NATO partners using fear as a tool, and to have a cold confrontation with Russia over Syria at all cost. The end goal is isolating a regional power, Iran. That will not happen. The plan? Capture and divide major swaths of Syria. It is the lynch-pin for the success of the Deep State’s strategy in Syria that in the end benefits Israel. But as our luck would have it, Trump has become a unanticipated obstacle to the attainment of their goals, hence calls for his impeachment. Vladimir Putin ? He is proving to be more adept at preventing world war three than the unpopular detractors of world peace in the U.S.

To the aforementioned anti-Trumpets. If never Trump, then who could effectively lead this divided nation, broken by a dysfunctional congress and greedy corporate owners? Which sitting or former politician is qualified? Hillary? Please resist. Obama? Fooled me twice. Cruz? Fibs! Rubio? Oh no! There are only two politicians I trust to lead the Democratic Party and support the people of this nation as President. I would vote for a President Nina Turner or Tulsi Gabbard. What about Elizabeth Warren? She has proven to be is too fickle and untrustworthy to lead. Bernie Sanders? I love and respect Bernie Sanders and supported most of his polices. Accordingly, I set a personal goal to compete and win a position as one his National Delegates at the 2016 Democratic National Convention. I attained my Goal. To my dismay, Bernie Sanders failed to stand up for his National Delegates and supporters in the face of proven DNC bias, corruption, and vote rigging. We just wanted him to call bullshit on the rigging of the primary elections and many occurrences of disenfranchisement. But in the end, Bernie broke hearts and trust. I won’t begin to speculate on his reasons, or claim to know the back-story behind his refusal to fight DNC and Hillary campaign corruption after they were exposed by Wikileaks. Also, I will not speculate as to why Bernie is continuing to support his back-stabbers in the DNC, the same politicians who are working very hard to tarnish his brand before the 2020 Presidential Elections.

Leaders like Bernie Sanders; people who can garner the trust of the American masses generally only get one chance at changing a this nation for the benefit of it’s citizens and the world. Generally there are no second chances, so “We the People” in the end will have to do it. Revolution 2.0. However, karma is working as there are two on-going lawsuits against the DNC. One that alleges fraud by the DNC; a class action lawsuit that represents Bernie supporters and is charging that the DNC committed fraud and stole money donated to the Bernie Sanders campaign. The other lawsuit is applying the RICO standards for Racketeering. The lawsuit was brought by the Institute for American Democracy and Election Integrity. The DNC and the Clinton Campaign are being held accountable for nationwide vote rigging during the 2016 Democratic Primary and General Elections. However, just like the real-deal Hillary Clinton email scandal, CNN, MSNBC, FOX and the rest of the vapid MSM cast are not interested in covering or reporting on these nationally significant legal proceedings, or it seems, anything of importance to the American Public.

Internationally, America has become a political pariah, a perpetual war machine, a menace. People and nations across the planet view America as the greatest threat to world peace. World leaders believe American politicians, corporate leaders and MSM are dangerous fools, who’s only interest is money, power and war at the expense of their national interests and cultures. They are right. I am no Trump apologist or a fan. I voted for Jill Stein and I know when to call out these players who can offer no credible basis for recent calls for a Trump impeachment because of “high crimes and misdemeanors”. Hey foolish boys and girls, did you forget! Obama and Hillary did commit high crimes and international felonies. The charge against Trump has no basis in fact. This is yet another Deep State/Democratic/Republican Party coup attempt. But who would replace Trump? Hillary Clinton may be supporting Pence. The truth. The democrats and republicans can find no real fault with Trump beyond his moving to improve relations with Russia. They are not focused on fighting crippling republican administration policies, bad legislation, or on moving the country forward. They are hell-bent on keeping the nation focused on and fighting Trump, and his supporters fighting back. 2018 ad 2020 is not shaping up to be good years for the Democrats.

Removing Trump from office would not create any useful or significant change for the people in a nation experiencing a constitutional crisis. We can only be assured the next president would continue supporting blatant American aggression against Russia. Impeaching the President will not erase the high unemployment rates around the nation, or provide healthcare to the millions of Americans stuck out on the inadequate or no healthcare ledge, with the GOP threatening to push them and the rest of America over the affordability edge. Only the independently wealthy, politicians, corporate leaders, the highly paid MSM pundits and job secure people will be able to afford this role-back of healthcare. Although Trump has made some stunning and disastrous Obama reversals, he has not damaged or endangered American society or the world to the extent Bill Clinton, Gorge Bush Jr., and Barrack Obama have.

However, Trump continued in the tradition of recent American Presidents when he ordered his first drone strike on a destitute nation under Siege by the Saudis; Yemen. As POTUS it is difficult to dance with the Saudis and resist corruption, collusion and doing the right thing for the American people. Thankfully, MSM and the politicians are unwittingly teaching the America Public that it is OK to disrespect them in public. We all know that one has to earn respect. They have not, so I am OK with increasing the frequency of public political an MSM smack-downs. It’s relieving. Refreshing. Try it, you will feel so much better.

Back to my rant. The elephants in our national living room that is being ignored by MSM, is the rampant Democratic and Republican Party corruption exposed during the 2016 presidential election cycle; the inability of States to manage election systems in the future because they have been usurped by Homeland Security, illegally, and without oversite. Or, why Trump is not reversing Obama’s bailout of real estate hedge funds resulting in hyper-inflation or spike of housing cost and skyrocketing rents across the nation. I like most in America want to see an end to the perpetual Trillion Dollar and illegal wars. Perhaps with the cost savings we could afford healthcare for all like the rest of the free world, or end homelessness and starvation here in America.

Trump is not neither party’s boy. However, for better or worse he “is” America’s boy with toys, and he knows how to manipulate, entrap, and play his MSM opponents and the American Public like a Stradivarius. Trump is playing by his constantly changing rules. MSM is trying to wrestle an media alligator in it’s element. Not smart, good for ratings but not good for the American Public. They, and you know who your they is, took the most recognized and media savvy game show host and master mental manipulator, and made him President. Now they are kicking themselves in the ass while pointing their wicked of fingers of guilt towards Russia. Did you know Putin was the reason Hilary lost? Gasp! Although most free-thinking Americans have thrown that sordid tale into the circular file. MSM has not. What we should not move on from is the Democratic National Committee and the Clinton Campaign’s corruption and fraud that was exposed by Wikileaks during the 2016 Democratic Primaries.This is one story the Democrats and MSM want to bury. Forever. We should keep it unearthed.

So they keep pushing the Russia narrative. I would say their actions define crazy. Millionaire MSM not-really-journalists like Rachael Maddow and Tucker Carlson are doing their best to keep the public distracted from the real and very serious social issues needing congressional attention. They can’t visualize that millions of angry Americans who are waking, writing, talking, making videos and audio clips expressing the American outrage that has boiled over and is scalding Politicians, MSM and the Deep State. In truth they could care less about how angry we are. They are insulated, living in glass homes adorned with gilded mirrors which do not reflect the negative social and physical realities in the home called America. Can you imagine if Kathy Gifford were photographed holding a raised fake head of Obama in her hand. The media would have exploded and experienced the vapors because Obama was/is their boy; their President; and a dedicated corporate lackey who did nothing for Black , Brown, Blue or white America. Truth be told, Obama threw the so-called post-racial America under the proverbial bus. We all believed in his watchwords promoting change. Obama’s change that morphed into eight years of screwing the American Public and the world for financial gains. The screwing is not over, as most of America sadly, responded to the Democrats first pied-piper scheme to paint Trump with the brush of un-electability because of his deplorable ism’s and buffoonery; a massive success and a incredible failure of human intellect. Incredibly, many of the same Americans are believing this impeachment crap too.

Still Never Trump? Please. Resist Stupidity! Challenge yourself. You have and are being mislead. Pull your head out of your brainwashed ass and do some real research to bring awareness to your life. It’s Google-free. Let me know if you find any genuine and impeachable offense committed by Trump, chump. Ciao.



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