Why The MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe) is more of an Epic than Star Wars and LOTR… Combined

Potential Spoilers Ahead, but I Will Try to Play Nice

Jordan Ring
4 min readNov 9, 2017

Well that was a big claim huh?

Don’t get me wrong, I love everything Star Wars, and The Lord of the Rings trilogy is one of my favorite epics of all time.

I am super nerd in this way, and I am so proud. (My wife is a nerd too, the picture above is her as Legolas for this Halloween.)

But what Marvel has done to set up the upcoming Infinity War movie in 2018 is nothing short of genius.

Actually, I like to think it is pure genius.

From the first Iron Man movie that debuted in 2008, to Thor Ragnarok which just came out in theaters in November 2017, every single movie has been building to the Infinity War.

This war is started by the Mad King Thanos and his quest to find all of the infinity stones spread across the galaxy.

There are six stones overall and 5 of them have been introduced in various ways across the 17 films.

Let me share real quick why you should watch if you haven’t yet because these movies seriously have it all:

  • Comedy
  • Action
  • Love
  • Pretty much everything amazing

Add to this the fact that all but 2 of the 17 movies are certified fresh on Rotten Tomatoes, and you have an epic adventure before you just waiting to be experienced.

Because let me tell you, watching all of the movies is nothing short of an amazing experience.

The only downside to watching these movies is that all other movies pale in comparison.

How Did They do it?

If you know anything about the Marvel Universe, you know that the past 10 years have been one big set up.

Each movie has built upon the story in some way, shape, or form. From hero origin stories, to impressive sequels (Iron Man 2 not included), Marvel has built a universe of endearing characters.

The anticipation that has been building for the past 10 years is almost unbearable. I was 18 when the first Iron Man came out, and now I am 28 and I am STILL waiting to actually see the Avengers battle Thanos.

That makes my head spin a little bit. How could a studio have had the forethought to build this kind of empire within cinema?

In a world of “give it to me now”, and instant gratification, how could Marvel have known to delay gratification this much?

I mean come on, we have to wait an extra year for Star Wars to come out and we freak out!

This studio built a foundation of characters that fans are wholeheartedly invested in, and they are pitting them against the worst villain the MCU has ever seen.

The level of planning and thought that went into creating such an epic for us is deserving of the highest praise.

I personally cannot wait for May 4th 2018. This is the date we get to see 67 Marvel characters battle together in a desperate attempt to save the Earth.

Watching these well built characters interact makes me “geek out” and I love every second of it.

Even Dr. Strange’s cameo in Thor Ragnarok was my favorite part of the entire film.

We know they will prevail, but it will be exquisitely entertaining to watch it all go down.

They Don’t Make Movies Like they Used to (Other than Marvel)

I feel so old when I think this…

I feel like an old grandpa who prefers black and white over color picture.

But the fact is that Marvel films are the only films that are still being made that anyone would reasonably consider epic.

Justice League looks exciting if you like B team superheroes, but I can’t dig it. Even Wonder Woman had potential, but the backbone wasn’t there for me to take it seriously.

Side note: Did anyone else struggle with Wonder Woman?

To be honest, I was shocked that people found it good. It was one of the worst movies I’ve seen in awhile. Plot is #1 for me, and this movie’s plot was as jumpy as a lie detector test on Richard Nixon.

I digress, because Marvel is where it’s at.

If you once had faith in movies after watching the Epic LOTR trilogy, or you used to believe in cinema after the first 6 Star Wars movies, now is the time to jump back in.

Forget everything else (other than Star Wars 8 of course) and stick with Marvel.

Watch the movies in order, and you will be taken on an epic adventure like none other.

Let me know what you think of them and thanks for reading,




Jordan Ring

Author/Ghostwriter/Editor. Get better at book outlining, brainstorming, and organizing with my course: https://courses.jmring.com/ ✍️