How Money Power and Greed Led to Children being Abused

A #storybystory that tells the tale of human trafficking

Janis Cox


Actual photo from IJM rescue

Her children were missing.

After telling her story to IJM (International Justice Mission) they returned to the brick kiln to find her 4 children missing. After a frantic search they found them in the thorny hillside where the brick owner’s wife had told them to hide. Now the Mother has been reunited with her children and back in her own town with her family. Charges have laid against the brick owner.

As I read the stories of those who have been imprisoned by abuse, I keep praying. I feel in my Spirit that God needs us to pray through this battle. There is a stronghold of the devil keeping this going.

The battle is in the Heavenlies.

Our job is to pray. And to get more people praying.

Bible Art by Janis Cox

The story above is about control.

Control by money. Someone in poverty owes money so the owner of the establishment has them “work” to pay off the loan. But the work never ends and the loan blossoms to…



Janis Cox

Creativity Spiritual Catalyst. Author/Illustrator. Jesus follower. Growing Through God's Word FB group for reading the Bible.