What is Prayer?

Janis Cox
Published in
4 min readMay 13, 2017


Originally published on my blog.

As I have spent more time with God the past few days He has shown me something I didn’t really know before. Well I guess I knew it but it didn’t really sink in. Here is the question I have been asking myself.

What is prayer?

I thought it was a conversation with God but now I think it is more than that. Reading from Oswald Chambers this month I came across this statement:

Prayer is perfect and complete oneness with God.

Wow — not just talking and listening but really being in communion with God. I like that. The more time I spend with Him, reading His Word — and thinking, and studying and really sitting down… yup sitting down with Him — then we get closer.

About 15 years ago when I first started my journey to learn about Jesus and God I drew a picture. Here is what it looked like. My fervent wish at that time was to move my line closer to God. Over these years I feel that has happened.

And looking back in my journal from 2001 I found I wrote this. “I am ready for a full productive day.” And that was after time with God in prayer and study.

Now I don’t do it right all the time — or even most of the time. But sometimes, I feel like I’ve understood.

Just sit with God.

Slow down and take that time to rest in Him. He always gives me more than enough time to get “other stuff” done. And He even gives me help in ways that I couldn’t have imagined.

If you are feeling rushed, frustrated, angry, out of sorts — may I suggest you stop right now. Stop reading. Stop typing, stop everything and breathe in the breath of God. He will lower your blood pressure. He will stop the headaches. He will give you the peace you need and the strength to keep going.


What is prayer? Is it talking or listening to God? Or is it more? (tweet this)


In 2001, Janis gave her life to Christ. She started journaling as a way to organize her thoughts, feelings, and prayers. She is a member The Word Guild, Inscribe Christian Writers Fellowship, SCBWI & ACFW.

In 2012 she published an award-winning children’s book, Tadeo Turtle.

This year The Kingdom of Thrim, published in 2017, is a finalist in The Word Awards and has won The Beverley Hills Award.

Janis has recently published with Brenda Poulos, I Remember The Seasons, a book for caregivers of people with dementia. Janis did the illustrations.

All her books can be found at her Bookstore.

She podcasts on Hope Stream Radio, an Internet radio station. Her talk Growing Through God’s Word can be heard each Tuesday and listened to online anytime.

Janis loves to tell others about what God has done and is doing in her life.

Janis can be reached on her website, Growing Through God’s Word and on Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter.

Please join her at Word of God Speak Facebook Group to learn more about memorizing Scripture through art. Please click to get 2 Free Ebooks, Living Life — One Word at a Time and Five Ways God Changed Me.



Janis Cox

Creativity Spiritual Catalyst. Author/Illustrator. Jesus follower. Growing Through God's Word FB group for reading the Bible. janiscox.com