Where to Eat like a Portuguese King on a Cheapskate’s Budget in Lisbon (And Other Local Travel Tips)

The cheapest restaurants you’ll never find

R. Paulo Delgado
12 min readFeb 4, 2020
Hand holding Portuguese custard pastry in front of typical Lisbon backdrop.
Photo licensed from Adobe Stock Photos.

Tacos are not Portuguese. Say it with me, folks, “Tacos are not Portuguese.”

Good. So let’s find out where you could be eating delicious, authentic, mouth-watering food in Lisbon like a Portuguese King, on a pauper’s budget.

The Alfama

Note that it’s “the Alfama,” like “the Bronx.”

If you’re seeking an authentic Portuguese vacation, no doubt you’ve read all the tourism pamphlets telling you that the Alfama — Lisbon’s oldest neighborhood, and where Lisbon was born — is a must-see.

Facade of buildings in the Alfama neighborhood.
The Alfama Neighborhood. (Photo by Paulo da Silva.)

It’s a pity the Alfama is so filled with inauthentic Portuguese restaurants — and a new hamburger joint, too.

Those restaurants which were once authentic (and affordable — all authentic restaurants in Portugal are affordable) have jumped on the tourist bandwagon and started charging higher prices, as well as posting a dude in a waistcoat outside their door to lure you in. (More on this guy later.)



R. Paulo Delgado

✨ Book Marketing & Ghostwriting / Tech Writer / Coder / Bylines in Insider, Entrepreneur, nft now, Moneyweb, etc. 📰 / https://linktr.ee/rpaulodelgado