The Rain Out

Andrew Thompson
3 min readNov 26, 2018
Photo Credit

Fat raindrops fell from a steely grey sky onto my windshield. They were few in number, but I knew they were just the scouts. The forecast called for scattered showers and thunderstorms. It appeared a shower would be scattered on top of me.

The lot held three trucks when I pulled onto the job site. “Hey, John. We rained out?”

John scratched his scraggly beard. “Kinda.”


He scratched some more before digging a pack of Marlboro’s from his chest pocket. “Smoke?”

I shook him off. “I don’t smoke.”

His Zippo clicked shut as he blew a cloud of smoke towards the sky. “I’ve seen you smoke.”

“Pipes. Keeps the cancer outta my lungs.”

He watched the smoke rise from his cigarette. Thunder rolled in the distance.

“Whadda ya mean, kinda rained out?”

“Oh, yeah. Ricky’s in the office. He’ll fill ya in. Been good working with ya, Danny.” He walked towards his truck blowing more smoke at the iron grey clouds.

Rain started again. Harder now. And cold. I ran up the steps to Ricky’s trailer office.

“Ricky!” I called as the door banged behind me. “John said you wanted to see me.”



Andrew Thompson

Husband. Father. Libertarian. Veteran. “The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud." - Coco Chanel