Images and videos help cars sell faster

4 min readJul 22, 2021


Why should you include images and video on your website and car adverts? Read on to find out.

70% of consumers researching cars turn to search engines like Google first. The higher your listings rank in the search results, the more likely people will click on them.

Including images in your stock adverts can actually improve your ranking in Google’s search results. The reason for this is that Google tends to prioritise listings that have the most value to its searchers. Naturally, pages and adverts with images and videos provide a more accurate view of the car for sale. So, Google sees these adverts as most valuable and ranks them highly in its search results.

Once a consumer has seen your advert in their search results page, the next step is to make sure they check out your listing and contact you. Great images can help with this. According to research from Auto Trader, adverts with good quality images and videos attract more buyers.

It’s simple really; if you want to get your cars seen, gain consumer trust and sell your stock quicker, add quality images and videos to your adverts.

Image quality control

What makes a good image? What’s the impact of using a poor image? Can consumers tell the difference?

They can.

With e-commerce and click & collect becoming more popular, your online image is everything. People need to get ‘that feeling’ about a car when viewing it online; the same feeling they’d get when viewing it on your physical forecourt.

A great image is your best chance of giving an accurate picture of each vehicle.

High quality image examples

Low quality image examples

Rejecting poor quality images

If you’re a large dealer group or supermarket, there’s no way you have the time (or inclination) to sift through hundreds of car images.

In this case, it may be worth outsourcing this process to a third party partner. They will work with you to decide a benchmark for acceptance of images, then go through your inventory list to check each image and accept or reject it based on your criteria.

Is it worth the investment in a service like this? Well, when you consider that good quality images are likely to help your stock sell fast, then it certainly is.


Why should you include video on your website and adverts?

  • Video on a landing page can increase conversions by over 80%
  • Buyers spend 60 seconds more time on adverts with a video
  • The sale rate of vehicles with video is 10% higher than those adverts without

Video marketing is the fastest growing, and most effective, marketing channel there is. Over the past few years, we’ve seen people watch millions of videos on Youtube and Facebook. Initially, video was seen as a fluffy channel, used mainly for watching videos of cats doing adorable things.

Times have changed. Video marketing is now regarded as a powerful B2B and B2C marketing channel. In fact, 64% of consumers make a purchase after watching branded social videos.

According to Wordstream, using video can boost awareness, engagement, traffic, and conversions. The best way to maximise the potential of video is to use it across as many channels as possible.

For example;

  • Your website
  • Social media
  • Each individual car listing

This holistic approach to video marketing can boost your leads and conversions in a big way.

How to use video to sell cars

The good news about video marketing is that you don’t have to spend a fortune on it. There are many providers out there who will create cost effective videos for you that have a big impact.

There are different approaches to creating video content for your dealership or group;

  • Review: your review of each vehicle. Particularly useful for your social media channels and website
  • Showcase: used in your adverts, this is about showing off each car’s best bits
  • Official: Including the OEM’s video or official new car launch video in your listings and on your website can add wow factor
  • Personal: Introduce buyers to the people who form part of your dealership or group. This helps build trust

As with imagery, quality is important — you’ll want your videos to be high-resolution and shot smoothly. It’s worth choosing a video provider who has automotive experience so they can capture the right mood and feeling for each video.




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