Average Game Review: Hades

Average Consumer
3 min readJan 19, 2022
Screenshot from an official Hades Steam store page: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1145360/Hades/

Hades is a video game that was developed and published by Supergiant Games back on September 17 in 2020.

I learned about this game through the endless stream of fan-art on my Twitter feed. I was instantly fascinated by the outstanding character design and art-style of the game. But that was the extend of my knowledge. It took quite a few months for me to actually lay my hands on the game. As I was using mostly my Nintendo Switch at a time, it was a pleasant surprise one day to find Hades in the list of games on sale, so I immediately grabbed it. And, unlike, some titles that I got on sale without knowing of the actual gameplay — Hades did not disappoint.

I enjoy fantasy games a lot. If I had to rank different genres of writing in the order of favoritism, then fantasy always stands far above sci-fi and realism. And what is better than fantasy, which takes roots from well known and beloved mythology? Not much. From my impression, Hades is 80% based on actual Greek Mythology, with almost every character you encounter, invoking the sense of familiarity. During my first run through the game’s story I felt happy and motivated, every time I red a piece of dialogue or met a new NPC that I recognized from the Greek Mythos I learned as a child.

On top of kicking my brain to produce more dopamine out of hundreds of references and familiar character…



Average Consumer

Just a simple and chill review of the games/movies I enjoyed(or didn't). I am writing about the things I played/watched in the past, as well as the newer ones.