#DemDebate — Translated

4 min readJan 19, 2016


As I had mentioned here, work is a little slow for me right now. So, I started exploring Medium and came across this interesting — for lack of a better term — rant.

I was not certain as to how best respond to it, so I am going to give him his due as being the “inspiration” for this post — while pointing out several issues I have with it as well.

Let’s start with this sentence —

So I guess this is their way of saying that there are too many White People running for president…

Ya’ think. Yes, there are a lot of white people running for president. That is pretty much stating the obvious. It is also an interesting fact that the person making this rather racist statement is — drumroll please — white!

Why is that important?! Because the next part of that sentence — more correctly that ridiculous run-on — is this:

“…it is also interesting to note that everyone on social media who has decided to point this out happens to be white…”

But that could just be a coincidence, couldn’t it? No, I am not so certain. I think that the author has a more insidious point he is trying to desperately make. What could it be? Oh, what could it be?

“…and their profiles usually read “Conservative…”

There you have it. That is the point he, the white man, is trying to make.

There is a liberal white person and a conservative white person. The liberal white person is not racist while making statements with clear racist connotations, but the conservative white person is clearly racist because he simply speaks English or as James Clyburn so poorly put it —

“The whole language, every single word, letter, and apostrophe in it is racist. It’s a fact. If you speak English, you’re a racist.”

(I wonder if anyone let Mr. Clyburn know he is a racist by his own definition.)

This is what the political discourse in this country has devolved into these days. Hurling racist, bigot, Islamophobe around like it is candy for people to consume readily. (Then blaming the other side when they are called out on it. “Victim” mentality and entitlement would have to be another post entirely.)

The first 117 words of this post was devoted to labeling all conservatives racist. No extolling why people should vote for Hillary — just ranting about why anyone not like him has to be a racist.

I would like to remind everyone of something Malcolm X said to blacks about Democrats —

Black Democrats are a traitor to their own race. (Source)

“…that party can’t keep the promise it made to you during election time, and you’re dumb enough to…identify yourself with that party…you’re a traitor to your race.”

Here is the speech he gave as posted by The Malcolm X Network on YouTube.

The last 75 words of this “rant” came close to extolling the virtues of voting Democrat — but not without one last call to tie Republicans with racism. So I am going to do something for you that the author was not — or had no intention to ever do.


Liberals and progressives have no interest in helping people. They are only interested in maintaining their status as “the elite.” They can do that by keeping those they think are inferior under their control.

Think about all of the “good things” they have done. Have any of them really worked? Have they moved us to become that “Great Society” Lyndon Johnson, a liberal Democrat, promised us? Or will they tell you how many people have been in the same economic state that they were in before the election? Have been in for generations?

No, of course not. They have a created a system of subsistence and dependence that they will never allowed to be broken. It would be a challenge to their status which they will never allow to happen.

Liberalism and progressivism (there actually is no difference anymore) is about control — nothing else. There are too many examples of ways they have tried, are trying, or already have control of the most minute details of your life while lying to you about how empowering they are.

Now I challenge the author of that piece (or any liberal, progressive, etc.) to identify something Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, or Martin O’Malley is promising people (regardless of color) that Obama did not already promise.

It is the same old thing. Nothing will change if you vote for a Democrat offering more free stuff.

That is something Malcolm X realized back in the 1960's.

