Getting Motivated Coming out of Quarantine

And how to move forward from this

3 min readJul 7, 2020
Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash

This entire pandemic has affected everyone in extremely different ways. But it’s affected all of us without a doubt. It’s important to keep in mind that it’s totally okay to not be motivated while everything continues to unfold regarding COVID-19 and what our “new normal” is beginning to look like.

I think it’s important to have that balance, and sometimes it’s not the worst thing to have that be forced on you.

Personally, I was the least motivated I’ve ever been during the main quarantine period, from March until Late May and into June. I didn’t create anything, was pretty useless at work, didn’t even keep the house clean, and probably needless to say, I was consuming quite a bit of alcohol.

I didn’t even have it very bad. I kept my job (working remotely), I didn’t get sick nor do I know anyone that has contracted it, and my life was pretty unaffected in general. Well, besides the whole “Didn’t see another human being for over 3 months” thing… There are definitely some downsides to living alone.

So, now it’s June, things are opening back up and going back to “normal” for better or worse, and I’ve actually been extremely motivated lately.




YouTube Content Manager, Photographer, Minimalist (sort of)