2 min readJan 18, 2016

Betty Tsakarestou Hello DaretoChallengers! We are the DreamTeam consisted of Avgeri Dimitra,Kritikos Thanasis,Maria Kroustalli,Petros Kappis and Klairi Kanaki and we are here to help disabled children be part of the great world of sports. Our challenge is to create groups for children with moving disabilities in every big football club in Greece. Our first steps were to talk with presidents,athletes and coaches in order to get positive or negative opinions about our challenge. We also have contacted with the organization PSAP and they agreed to cooperate with us whenever its needed. Next thing was to seperate the groups according to disabilities of children and ages . Moreover, we had to check the appropriate staff, which will consist of experienced coaches and volunteers. The criterions will be based on the Cvs ,interviews and experimental levels. Since we get the sponsorship we will use it on three ways: salaries,equipement and improvements. At the next level, we used the advertising strategy. through our facebook page,twitter and photos with the hashtag #sportsforall in order to let people know our challenge.

Our challenge began when one of us saw in his neighbourhood achild with moving disabilities faced difficulties in taking part to a football game. We got the idea to start a project with which we are going to help these kids face such difficulties and be able to participate in sports. In the beginning we asked known athletes to send a photo with our message #sportsforall to see if this is going to have a reaction to common people which finally was huge. So we need the help of sponsors in order to continue our project.
