Will Artists Lose Jobs Because of AI?

Avid Animator
5 min readAug 10, 2023


AI is making a positive impact in many industries, and more companies are embracing its benefits. As creative jobs become increasingly automated, many artists fear AI will make their roles obsolete. However, the reality is more nuanced. While some artistic jobs will likely decline, AI also presents new opportunities for artists to leverage technology for creative gain.

How Might AI Replace or Displace Artists?

Here are some ways AI threatens to automate artistic roles:

AI-Generated Art, Music, and Writing

  • Art: AI can now create original artworks in different styles. Tools like DALL-E 2 and Midjourney can generate photorealistic and abstract images from text prompts. As the technology improves, AI art may replace human creatives for commercial work.
  • Music: AI music composers like Aiva can write original songs and instrumental music tailored to a client’s needs. The music sounds realistic and emotive. AI composers could be cheaper alternative to hiring human musicians.
  • Writing: AI writing tools like Jasper and Copy.ai can generate blog posts, social media captions, ads, and more. The writing quality is approaching that of humans. Companies may use AI content rather than hire writers.

Intelligent Design Tools

  • Designers rely on tools like Adobe Creative Cloud. AI design tools are emerging that can automatically generate design mockups and prototypes with minimal human input.
  • For example, tools like Canva, Designs.ai, and Firedrop can instantly create logos, graphics, and presentations based on customizable templates.
  • If intelligent design tools progress enough, they may significantly automate graphic design and reduce need for human designers.

Advanced Image and Video Editing

  • Powerful AI techniques can automate complex editing tasks like applying visual effects and touch ups that typically require human skill and labor.
  • For example, tools like Runway ML can add CGI graphics and backgrounds to videos automatically with realistic results.
  • As editing AI improves, it could reduce reliance on human editors and post-production specialists.

Intelligent 3D Modeling and Animation

  • Creating 3D models and animations is complex and labor intensive. AI assistance tools like Endlesss.fm and Anthropic DALL-E are emerging to make the process easier.
  • In the future, AI may help automate character and scene generation, rigging, motion capture, and rendering. This could disrupt many human roles in 3D animation studios.

How Might AI Create New Opportunities for Artists?

While AI threatens some artistic roles, it also presents opportunities for artists to leverage the technology.

Enhanced Creativity and Production

Rather than fully automate creative roles, AI can enhance human creativity and productivity. Tools like Midjourney allow artists to instantly visualize and experiment with concepts before manual work. This frees up time for higher value add. AI that handles tedious tasks like color grading frees artists to focus on creative aspects only humans can do.

Novel Creative Mediums and Tools

AI presents new mediums for human artists like AI image generation and AI music composition. These can inspire novel artistic ideas not possible before. Humans artists can create using AI tools as an instrument like a paintbrush, camera, or musical instrument to express their creative vision. AI art still requires human creativity to guide the process and curate the results into meaningful works.

More Accessibility and Inclusivity

AI creative tools are often inexpensive or free and accessible to anyone online. This democratizes art by giving more people creative capabilities. It makes art and content creation open to those without resources or training in traditional skills like painting or instrument playing. This could lead to greater diversity of voices, perspectives, and representation in the arts.

New Cross-Disciplinary Opportunities

AI lowers barriers between artistic disciplines. Visual artists can now generate music more easily and vice versa to create multidisciplinary experiences. AI allows easier collaboration across different mediums and genres, blending creative ideas in novel ways. This interdisciplinary work may become increasingly valued over purity within a single artistic domain.

Evolution of Human Creativity

As AI takes over certain artistic tasks, human artists can focus on higher-level vision and creativity that builds on AI capabilities. This could push creativity to new heights as humans and AI complement each other’s strengths. Over time, human creativity may evolve and innovate to stay ahead of what AI can do autonomously.

Example Human Roles Enhanced by AI

Here are some examples of how AI can augment (rather than replace) human artistic roles:

Graphic Designers

  • Use generative design AI to instantly mock up visual concepts
  • Automate layouts, image alteration, and content population
  • Focus on high-level visual communication strategies and creative direction

Film Makers

  • Use AI rendering to reduce shooting time/costs
  • Automate lower-level editing tasks like sound editing and color correction
  • Focus efforts on cinematography, directing actors, storywriting

Music Producers

  • Use AI compositions as inspiration for new song ideas
  • Automate tuning vocals, beat creation, and mixing
  • Focus on guiding overall sound, feeling, and music production choices


  • Use AI to process photos with sophisticated edits and effects
  • Automatically tag, organize, and retrieve photos
  • Focus on high-value skills like creative composition and camera work


  • Use AI to generate drafts and ideas to build off
  • Automate basic tasks like grammar/spelling checks
  • Focus efforts on communicating unique ideas and storytelling

Key Takeaways

  • AI presents definite threats of automating certain artistic tasks but the risks are often exaggerated.
  • Smart leveraging of AI as a tool provides more opportunities than disruption for most human creatives.
  • Artists who embrace AI and adapt their skills will remain instrumental in artistic creation. Purely autonomous AI art lacks deeper human context.
  • Creativity and problem solving capabilities will need to keep evolving as AI capabilities improve over time. Bridging left-brain and right-brain thinking will grow increasingly important.
  • Overall, AI will likely democratize art to those previously without access while pushing human creativity to new heights in tandem with technological progress.


What makes human artistry impossible to fully replicate with AI?

Human imagination, inspiration, style, judgement, and interpersonal skills infuse art with irreplaceable authenticity that AI lacks.

How will AI impact illustrators, graphic designers, fine artists, photographers?

Creativity and strategy remain vital for illustration and design, while fine art is unlikely to be automated. AI can assist photographers with editing.

What future skills should artists develop for the AI era?

Leveraging AI tools, guiding AI output, cross-disciplinary thinking, articulating vision, understanding legal issues, pushing creative boundaries.

How might art transform as AI becomes more advanced and widespread?

More human-AI collaboration, new AI art forms, focus on meaning over technique, challenging notions of originality, democratization and diversity in art.

Can AI authentically replicate human art’s nuanced emotion and cultural significance?

No, AI cannot match the depth and irreplaceable authenticity that human artists infuse into art through their experiences and cultural contexts.


The rise of AI presents reasonable concerns but also exciting opportunities for human artists. Rather than full automation and displacement, the future likely involves symbiotic collaboration between human creativity and AI tools. Artists embracing this future and adapting their skills accordingly are poised to thrive and take art to new frontiers. But uniquely human imagination, meaning, and cultural context will remain at the core of impactful artistic expression.



Avid Animator

Hey, I'm Avid! I'm a passionate animator who loves storytelling through animation.