The Great Wonder

Avika Agarwal
2 min readMay 16, 2020


Have you ever heard of The Great Wall of China ? Pretty sure you have ! But you know, the thing is, that many people have heard the name but when someone asks them that “ Can you please tell me about the Great Wall of China, they start stammering. So let me tell you some things no one knows about!

The Great Wall of China was built in the 7th century. It was built by Emperor Qin Shi Huang. The Great Wall of China was made of powdered dirt, soil, rocks, bricks, and cement. It was built to protect the North of the Empire of China by any enemy attacks. It is the longest structure humans have ever built.

A great fact about the longest wall in the world is that it was much longer before than it is now. A fraction of it was broken down by the great ruler, Genghis Khan. He was the leader of the Mongolian Army and he led his army to destroy the Great Wall of China. Not only once, but several times. Many remainings of the Great Wall of China are still found in the Ming Dynasty.

Now comes the fact that will flabbergast you is …………….. THAT THE GREAT WALL OF CHINA IS VISIBLE FROM SPACE.

Well, were’nt these some astounding facts. Write in the comments, if you have any facts that I have not mentioned. Do not forget to follow me !!!!



Avika Agarwal

Hi all, I am Avika Agarwal, I am a very adventurous girl that has travelled to many places! Now, I would like to share some experiences with you!