My Personal Views; RedGage is Genuine!

4 min readJul 3, 2015


Is it accurate to say that you are a member from RedGage or have known about it? Indeed, a couple of days before when I was searching for a webpage where I can post my blogs and articles with few images, my pursuit ceased at this website named; RedGage. This is known by everybody that “each good thing is constantly reprimanded in starting, however, when individuals begin utilizing it, they think that it’s better! Individuals after experiencing sites, gives remark and they are now and then positive and negative also.
While experiencing many websites, I thought that it was exceptionally honest to goodness. Be that as it may, while seeking, I got few negative posts too which were lying on top. Thus, I simply chose to make a record on RedGage, and experience what precisely it is!

What is RedGage?

RedGage is a site that pays you for your content, for example, blogs, articles, posts and pictures everywhere throughout the web or you can say online networking sites. What’s more, consequently, you will be paid online through your social movement. The more snaps, you procure on your content, the more income you will get.

“The vast majority don’t understand that there is inalienable financial value in what they’re making on the web. It’s a dependable fact that somebody is profiting; at the same time, individuals like me, who invest energy creating content, don’t for the most part partake in any of the income from the organizations who own the sites. So, It is said by the CEO of RedGage, Daniel Redlich, “That is the reason we constructed a framework that gives cash back to the makers. Web 2.0 democratized the dispersion of content; RedGage is democratizing the adaptation of content.”

Interestingly, by utilizing RedGage, I had the capacity deal with my online web journals, features, archives, photographs, and connections in a private area, and have the chance to get paid for my content on the premise of number of snaps. What more would you say you are longing for? RedGage amplifies the measure of potential cash earned by empowering clients to telecast their action to companions on prominent social locales like Twitter and Facebook, to build the quantity of views their content gets.

Although I was hesitating, but I trusted RedGage…

I found many sites where I can procure quite a bit of my postings because I am an obstinate blogger. In any case, I chose RedGage. Here, one can post anything we yearning, even one’s own links to other site. I was wavering to join the site, however perusing a couple of the positive reactions I guarantee myself that it is a genuine site.I have found one article about it, saying that she has been paid on time by RedGage. Also, that the base limit is just $25, which you can undoubtedly gather if you are alluding different individuals to join the site, winning challenges or pool and sharing a How to article. The reviews said that you can procure by doing simply like your conventional posting on Facebook. Your features, blogs, photographs, articles, anything you need to share online will have an equal cash.

Signing-up for a RedGage account is completely free. Simply round out certain profile data and begin transferring and sharing your content. Furthermore, even if you don’t have any friends yet on the website, still your content would be showcased to various clients and thus, you’ll slowly make online money as your content gets more online clicks.

Well, I can’t gather most blogging webpage because it’s unrealistic for me to deal with every one of them. Yet, I am searching for a quicker and more approaches to win however. We all need that, obviously.

Aside from any other paid blogging sites, I have contributed a trust on this RedGage website. In this way, I realize that just like RedGage won my trust, it will win yours as well. Thus, its a marvelous site to make a colossal companion arrange and advance your web journals or center points by getting remunerated.
Give it a TRY! It’s not a bad Idea…




I'm Awen. I'm professional designer and content writer in salt lake city, UT