2 min readOct 2, 2021


How to use the new AXS staking feature for Ronin Wallet

The long awaited AXS staking feature is now live! With over 5 million AXS staked in the first 24 hours (worth over a billion USD) the feature is working marvelously. So, here is how to use the new Ronin staking dashboard to stake and earn AXS.

First, log in to your Ronin wallet using the browser extension, then head over to and click the button that says “Connect to Ronin Wallet” in the top right corner. After clicking this button the page will refresh and it will show your current Ronin balance instead.

On the left side of the page, click the button to authorize staking and a pop up from Ronin will appear.

Confirm the action then the page will refresh again, now showing your available AXS balance, and the big blue Stake button. Just hit Stake, choose the amount, and confirm.

Once you have staked your AXS, you can claim your profits every 24 hours, or claim it at any time by hitting Restake or Claim.

That’s it, it’s that simple!

Good luck and happy staking from AxieGG!

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Blog post by David Willis with help from Tyler Reinold for Axie.GG

Disclaimer: We are in no way affiliated with Ronin Wallet or their developer Sky Mavis. This article is for educational purposes only, not financial advice.




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