Aisha Abubakar
2 min readDec 14, 2021

Tips On How To Stop Comparison

Comparison is generally the fast track to unhappiness, a recipe for misery. It keeps you focused on what you do not like about your life.

At one point or the other we all catch our selves comparing our life to someone else’s, in other to rid myself of being like that, I’m learning daily to better

Here are a few tips that can help

  • focus more on your own journey instead of wasting time looking at what others are doing or not doing
  • accept where you are, say yes to every part of your life and make decisions to move in the right direction
  • be grateful for what you have, some times seeing the blessings in your life can be blurred by comparison. How ever looking at how far you have come is a healthy comparison. Where were last year? Last 2 years and last 5 year.
  • Some times it’s the “smallest things” good health, clothing, a roof over your head e.t.c
  • List 10 things you’re deeply grateful for.
  • Realize you’re not perfect , There will always be someone who’s richer, smarter, and more attractive than you. No one is perfect. Trying to be perfect is not the solution. So, instead of getting down on yourself for your flaws and imperfections accept them, Free yourself by embracing the fact that you’re perfectly imperfect
  • turn comparison to inspiration, without thinking about what led to someone’s success we compare, try this instead of comparing people’s success to your progress or supposed lack thereof, let them open you up to possibilities. Let them be inspiration for what you can be, do and have in life.

So, take back your power from all the people, places, and situations where you’ve left it and bring it back home. Decide that your energy will be used for believing, not doubting, and for creating, not destroying.

Focus on you. Focus on watering your grass and building your path. Focus on being the best that you can be and share that with the rest of us.