Ayesha Kaukab
3 min readJun 5, 2024


Shylock” is a prominent character in Shakespeare’s masterpiece; “The Merchant of Venice”. He is a multifaced figure with several attributes. He is one of the memorable Shakespearean characters.


Shylock is one of the most complicated characters in Shakespeare’s plays. It is his complexity that makes him prominent and unique. Moral and ethical ambiguity is epitomized in Shylock’s character. After long discussions, the critics have still not decided whether he is a tragic, comic, or villainous character. Shylock is at the same time, considered a villain and a victim. He is portrayed as a person who is neither fully vile nor sympathetic. He is not very bad but the differences he faces play a main role in building him the way he practices.


The main personality traits that make Shylock a complex one and serve as a central point to several themes of the play are discussed below:

1. Money-Driven and Materialistic:

Shylock is a famous moneylender known for his love for money. He is so much lost in his thirst for wealth that when his daughter runs away with jewels, he is more concerned about the jewels than his daughter. Shylock’s reaction recounted by Salanio and Salarino is enough to prove his greedy nature.


“My daughter! O my ducats! O my daughter!

Fled with a Christian! O my Christian ducats!

Justice! the law! my ducats, and my daughter!

A sealed bag, two sealed bags of ducats,

Of double ducats, stolen from me by my daughter!

And jewels, two stones, two rich and precious stones,

Stolen by my daughter! Justice! find the girl;

She hath the stones upon her, and the ducats.”

(Act II, Scene VIII)

2. Farsighted and Sharp:

Shylock is also an intelligent, cunning, and focused person when it comes to his benefit. He knows the tactics of how to avail benefits from others through his business deals. His bond with Antonio is an evident example of all this.

3. Revengeful and Vindictive:

Shylock is characterized as a savage and revengeful person who is determined to take revenge on society for all the prejudice he has faced. For this purpose, he lends money to the Christians on strict bonds. His bond of taking a piece of flesh from Antonio’s body depicts his avenging personality.

4. Emotional and Passionate:

Shylock is an incredibly complex and intense character, driven by powerful emotions that significantly influence his behavior. From his seething anger and thirst for vengeance to his profound sorrow and profound sense of betrayal, his feelings make him a truly captivating and multifaceted character.

5. Isolated and Deserted:

Living in a predominantly Christian society makes him isolated and marginalized. He is socially abandoned. No one in the society wants to have relations with him, rather he is humiliated. This becomes one of the main causes of his resentful nature.

6. Personal Loss and Betrayal:

The elopement of Jessica with Lorenzo and her conversion to Christianity is a personal betrayal and loss for Shylock. Jessica also stole a huge amount of his wealth, which inflames his feelings of loss and betrayal.

7. Cultural and Religious Pride:

Cultural and religious pride is one of the main features of Shylock’s character. His practices, conflict with other members of the society, and values express his loyalty to religion and culture.

8. Victim of Religious and Social Prejudice:

Shylock is no doubt a strong victim of religious prejudice. He is considered low in the community. Being a Jew seems to be his fault. The harsh treatment of society is evident from his famous speech “Hath not a Jew eyes?”. His forced conversion to Christianity is proof of the pain and tragedy he was experiencing.


Thus, Shylock’s tragedy in “The Merchant of Venice” is a complex examination of personal, social, and existential aspects of suffering. His character provides a significant commentary on the human condition, the effects of prejudice, and the intricacies of justice and mercy.