The first month of Soundrs

Ayoze Pérez
2 min readMar 10, 2019


Photo by Manasvita S on Unsplash

Almost a month ago I released Soundrs. For me it was the most successful release of an app made by me ever. And it has been a busy month, but also pretty excited. That’s why I would liked to take some time to analyse how has been this experience and share it with everybody interested on it.

If you don’t know what I’m talking about, check the app’s website and this post from the release day.

Reid Hoffman once said: “If You’re Not Embarrassed By The First Version Of Your Product, You’ve Launched Too Late”. We can be more or less agree with him, but this sentences have been around for a while for a reason.

Reading between the lines this sentence is insinuating this old entrepreneur mantra, “Launch fast, fail fast”. And it has all the sense of the world, because if you don’t launch fast enough the risks are various.

Normally I saw that sentence with suspicion. Because yeah, it’s important to know what exactly the users want, but it’s also important to have a nice and functional app, otherwise the user won’t install it. And thought was the main reason for me to delay more than 6 months the launch of Soundrs. For me it was never good enough. But I couldn’t delay it more, it was already a matter of common sense.

You can find the complete version of the post in Soundrs’ blog



Ayoze Pérez

From Gran Canaria to wherever. Android developer at TDSoftware. I love devices. Learning everyday.