God is Dead

It is fair to say that 2018 was a year rich in news. Yet, without anyone mentioning it, one historical fact took place: in the last quarter of 2018, Facebook broke the symbolic barrier of 2.4 billion (monthly) active users.

Ayoub Assabban
3 min readFeb 7, 2019

On the other hand, the renowned American research centre Pew Research Center, known for its global religious population statistics, estimates the number of Christians — the largest religious community in the world — at 2.3 billion.
Thus, and for the first time in the history of humanity, an organization (undeniably) created from scratch by Man, exceeds the number of faithful of the Church. Even more striking: we spend, on average, no less than one hour a day on one of the firm’s applications (Instagram, WhatsApp or Facebook). What clergy can claim to have such a dedicated congregation?

Our western society is undoubtedly experiencing a decline in the sacred. Prophetic, Nietzsche even affirmed, as early as 1882, the death of God. If he was probably not unaware that Man’s gaze used to be towards Heaven, the observation that our profane gaze is now focused on screens would leave him stunned. What if, without knowing it, the GAFAs (Google, Amazon, Facebook and Apple to name but a few) had killed God? Come to think of it, these web and digital giants do enjoy the attributes that were previously divine.

First, they are omniscient. Let’s take the example of Google, for whom we no longer have any secrets: it knows who we are, who we cherish, our interests, our weaknesses and even our desires. Are you out of your mind? Do not pray any more, a few clicks are enough to find the way to recovery. Are you lost? He gives you the right path. Any regrets? Ask for the right to be forgotten. Basically, Google is like the Church; but without transcendence.

Secondly, they are omnipresent, as it seems at least difficult if not impossible to escape their presence. As proof, Apple, initially a company specialized in the construction of personal computers, is now active in the smartphone market with its iPhone, music with its Apple Music solution, watches and health with its Apple Watch, banking with its new Apple Pay payment solution and perhaps tomorrow in the automotive industry with an autonomous Apple Car?

Finally, they’re omnipotent. With revenues exceeding the gross domestic product of many developed countries, nothing seems to stop them. The few attempts by our public institutions to repress their misdeeds are pitifully similar to David against Goliath.

Moreover, no one can deny the similarities in terms of modus operandi. Each God has his messenger: Larry Page (Google), Steve Jobs (Apple), Marc Zuckerberg (Facebook) or Jeff Bezos (Amazon) — sharing their vision with anyone seeking salvation. Also beware of the devil who resides in the details at the borders of the General Conditions of Use or Sales which obviously have this in common with the Holy Books, that many talk about it but few really read (understand) them.

The mass is said.

Venture Director, Brussels — The Family

