MVC Architecture in Laravel

Aysha Ramzy
2 min readFeb 15, 2023


I am here with an interesting topic to share with you. We all should know about MVC architecture in the Laravel framework.

Laravel is a PHP-based web framework that is largely based on MVC architecture.

MVC is a software architecture. it stands for Model View Controller. This is a very useful development structure and is also very popular in the market. It separates the application into three parts: the model, the view, and the controller.

What is Model?

Model is where we perform the database-related operations. Like, as insert, delete, edit, update query, etc. The model folder exists in the App folder in Laravel 8. Here we create models corresponding to the database tables.

What is View?

The view is where we store our front-end templates. These are called blade templates.

We can create a view by placing a file with the “.blade.php” extension in our application’s resources/views directory.

What is Controller?

The controller controls the Model and Views. It is the central part of the MVC model. Also, this is responsible for the Application logic.

The model receives the user input data from the view via the controller. And return the data from the model to view as well.

Let us see why we use MVC in Laravel. It could be ok to have a number of files running in comparatively small projects while developing PHP applications. However, when the project becomes slightly bigger than five files or entry points having a structure can drastically improve maintainability.

Working with codebases without any architecture is difficult, especially if the project is large and there is a lot of unstructured code to manage. Using MVC may help organize the code and make it simpler to deal with.

A Model is a representation of a real-life instance or object in our code base. The View represents the interface through which the user interacts with our application. When a user takes an action, the Controller manages the action and updates the Model if necessary.

Let’s look at a simple scenario to understand the process.

If we go to a Hotel Management System, the different pages you see are provided by the View layer. In the system, there is a specific page for booking management. In that section, users can select their preferred room type. After they select, the Controller layer processes the user’s action. This may involve retrieving data from a data source using the Model layer. The data is then bundled up together and arranged in a View layer. According to our scenario, further details of the room will be displayed to the user. This is what happens in a Laravel project that is based on MVC architecture.

I hope this article is helpful to you. Thank you for reading.

