Ayush Agarwal
2 min readJun 19, 2018

Why choose Swift ?

Employment Opportunities

Within the short period, many big players such as Youtube, Instagram and Messenger have joined the ‘Swift’ family. What does this mean ? Learning Swift opens doors for opportunities to work with fast-growing tech giants that have always been known for their generosity in rewarding their talent, let alone, the most important department of their talent i.e. technology. In short, it pays well.

Easier to learn

If you are proficient in English, picking up Swift is not a challenge (plus a little knowledge of programming is important to understand the flow ). Swift is more readable than Objective-C. You can take my word on this.

It is the in-thing

It is voted as the top 10 most wanted technology. There are over 70,000 open-source projects related to Swift on Github. These figures tell us that this young programming language is growing rapidly in terms of its importance, uses and contribution to tech industries. Having the skill to program in Swift is a game changer.

Not limited to iOS apps

It is possible that Google would make Swift a first-class language for its Android operating system (because of its ongoing legal battle with Oracle). Let's hope this happens because when that day comes, your knowledge of Swift will take you places

What are your thoughts on this? Let me know in the comment section below.

Ayush Agarwal

Personal Blog of Er. Ayush Agarwal | Digital Marketing Enthusiast | Travel Buff | Instagram-@ag_ayush23