Your first Java Program

Ayushman Pranav
2 min readMay 7, 2024


Brief History and Versions of Java

From the first version released in 1996 to the latest version JDK
21 available to the public since September 2023.

The latest version of Java is Java 21 or JDK 21 released on
September, 19th 2023.

JDK 21 is the latest long-term support release (LTS), replacing
JDK 17 which is the previous LTS of the Java SE platform.

Choose the x64 link and then download

This video will allow you to set as environment path

public — access specifier

Static — it allows the main function to be called without the need the instantiate a particular instance

void — return type

main — is the main java function

String args[] — is for command line arguments

System.out.println — is the print statement

class Ayushman {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Hello Ayushman ...");

command to compile a java file


as you can see it created a .class file named Ayushman

now run the java file

java Ayushman

Congrats you have created the first file in java and then ran the code successfully

