How Does Instagram Stories Rank Viewers in a Particular Order?

Ayush Verma
2 min readOct 18, 2017


So you must have used Snapchat and Instagram stories, but ever wondered why some viewers are always on top no matter what chronological order they saw the story?!

Instagram Story Preview

Alright. Let’s try to demystify!

With Instagram’s stories, the algorithm is the editor; it scans all public images and videos posted using hashtags and locations, decides which images and videos to highlight for each specific hashtag and location, and picks the order they play in.

After breathtaking research and a few experiments , I felt order of Instagram stories at the top of the app is based on engagement data from Instagram and Facebook. Yes you read it right, engagement from Facebook too. But how?

All Social platforms are based on proprietary algorithms that decide what should be the order of views. They don’t 100% leak what’s going on at back!

So here are few aspects which decide the story viewers ranking :

  1. Your public activity!
  2. Messages. Yes. They damn Consider them too.
  3. Interactions within Stories. Like each time you reply to her stories they count a point on you . :-P
  4. And Yeah. Most interesting. Profile views. So the more you stalk them in Instagram and Facebook, Chances are there that you would be on top of their story .

Per a Harvard study, social networks are both physically and psychologically addictive, so it’s reasonable to believe that platforms like Instagram are optimizing interfaces and features that trick our brains into wanting to check and engage more and more.

So , These algorithms are pretty mysterious and secretive !



Ayush Verma

I code, speak and write for passion.I answer to ‘intellectual’, ‘introvert’, and ‘INFP’. Love food and sleep. I’m driven by music and art!