“Why Azbit? People do want to associate themselves with the success stories”.

Azbit News
Published in
5 min readFeb 4, 2019

Azbit co-founder and CEO Max Zmitrovich is a person who clearly needs no introduction. His name is known all over the crypto and financial world (beyond that, you’ve been following him on our social media for the past months). He is anywhere and everywhere: establishing new ventures, developing existing businesses, meeting with investors, representing Azbit at major conferences and blockchain events, on stage in front of a wide crypto audience. The time had come to do a more substantial in-depth interview.

– Cryptocurrencies, blockchain, all of these new technologies happening today — is like a cinema happened once, or like a color cinema happened to black and white films before. It’s something new which comes today. I’m so excited and thrilled at the same time that I’ve got this amazing opportunity to participate in it.

People do want to associate themselves with the success stories. Azbit project is an interesting, new, modern type of business, which i — and you as well — can be associated with. One of the main reasons why I joined this project is the fact that it’s something unique, something which came from the future, and they brought in today. I wanted to be a part of it. I thought that it is the opportunity to build something today, which will be valid for many many years ahead. And it’s one of the businesses, which I could be proud of, could be one of the moments, when I’ll be able to say to my grandchildren “You can see Azbit on every doorstep. I was actually right at the beginning, I was the one who helped to establish it”.

Max, you have a good deal of experience in an international trading law and business. How come you combined all this tremendous experience together under the roof of Azbit?

– Azbit team is an international team, there are lots of people, who scattered all over the world and me personally. I live in the UK, in Oxford to be precise, right next to Oxford University. I’ve got Master degree in Law and I was specializing in an international trading law. Nevertheless quite a few years ago I discovered that I’m more an entrepreneur than a lawyer, and I started establishing. That’s the moment which brought me forward and I never regret ever since. I believe that was the point we changed everything and from that moment my life went only forward and forward and forward. I’ve done quite a lot of very interesting businesses ranging from property development to multinational exporting company called Veles Ltd.; it’s still trading very successfully.

How do you apply lessons learned from an international trading law to Azbit?

– I always treated myself as being in front of all the development. I always look at new businesses and businesses in new areas. And that is why when I had a chance of participation in this particular project, when I became a part of Azbit team, I thought that my experience, my background, my knowledge can give this new modern business experience. I’m responsible for marketing and business development of this project.

One of the things that I brought to Azbit, one of the moments of my experience are my amazing contacts. I’ve got contacts in every type of industries. I’ve got contacts in every continent of the world. When I meet those people that’s the time I enjoy myself doing my work. I love meeting people. People are great. I believe that people are the one, who changes the world, and I can say that people in our Azbit team are absolutely amazing bunch of professionals. Bringing people together, building the team, promoting our team — that’s what I’m very capable of and that’s what I’m enjoying the most.

Speaking of building the team, Roger Ver’s Advising is surely on
of today’s hottest topics!

– Exactly! The people we are bringing into this project are truly awesome. If someone would have told me half a year ago that I will be working alongside with him, I say you must be kidding me. But look at this — it’s a reality. It’s an honor to know him; it’s an honor to work with him on this project. That’s the type of the team who works in Azbit project.

Roger Ver

It would be foolish to deny that all the large-scale projects might seem risky. Max, how are you estimating the gravity of the situation?

– Let me use a metaphor. I’m a part of a local rugby team. And it’s not easy to play rugby, it’s a hard work, but you’re all working together towards the same goal. Being a part of Azbit team is exactly the same. It’s not an easy project; it’s not going to happen just like this. It takes time, it takes a lot of hard work and it takes a team effort, but at the end of it the result is going to be amazing. Everyone is going to love it.

I suggest our readers to have a look at Azbit project. You don’t have to do anything. Just think about it, keep an eye on it, follow it, and see how it is developing. It’s most definitely an interesting and very unique project. Have a quick read through the Whitepaper, have a look at the team who is involved in this project — and you will realize that it is an easy straightforward and successful project with a quite clear business model. It’s a business of the future and you’ve got a good chance to participate in it. Everyone who is more or less interested in this type of business, everyone who understands crypto finances, will spot the unique part of Azbit project straightaway, they will realize that this is going to be next successful story in cryptocurrency world. I’m excited about this project because I can see the potential of it, I can see the future of it, and I’m sharing this vision with you.

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