Best countries for bitcoin arbitrage

B2B Pay
4 min readMay 14, 2019


Geoarbitrage is as popular as ever today and people are not shy to not use bitcoin arbitrage to their advantage. This fact isn’t hidden that although countries like US or London are one of the highest paying countries of the world, the cost of living is high as well. A survey conducted in 2018 showed that average house rent in places like San Francisco is known to be the highest.

The cost of the US dollar is much more in other countries like Latin America, parts of Asia and Eastern Europe. This difference in the value of the currency can be really advantageous for purposes like Bitcoin Arbitrage. Bitcoin arbitrage is a concept in which a coin is bought from an exchange at a low price and sold in other where the prices are higher. This concept is not only limited to exchanges but across countries as well. While we have seen that different countries have different standards of living it has been a growing trend for many to shift to these counties. The growing trend of minimalism is also helping people to be much more mobile than before.

In developing countries, the arbitrage comes out to be of much help when done mindfully. The cost of living in these countries is much smaller so it is understood that the money that you make by the US dollar standard can help you live in a much better lifestyle in these countries. In this era of Gig economy where remote jobs are most often more convenient people are opting to live in these countries. Skype and other kinds of digital communication let you communicate with anyone as easily as if you are doing an in-office job.

Meanwhile, the payments still consume a lot of fee and time virtual banks like B2BPay help you eliminate this problem by reducing the fee up to 80%. Technology like cryptocurrency altogether removes the need for middlemen like Paypal.

Here is a list of some countries where you can easily work from and reap the benefit of arbitrage.

South Africa

South Africa has a lot of opportunities. While the bitcoin arbitrage is totally legal, it remains a very safe way to earn profit without risking much of your assets. Many exchanges accept ZAR and with the right opportunity, you can earn a good percentage of your money invested.


Brazil provides a really good market for bitcoin arbitrage. So far bitcoins are subsumed under the general class of “intangible goods” but without any proper identity. Intangible property that is worth money. In Brazil, cryptocurrencies are similar to shares. But being intangible goods they are not subjected to import tax or other customs duties.


Although bitcoin arbitrage is not quite legal in India it cannot be said illegal too. Time and again the RBI has stated that there is no government’s stand on this. You have to look at exchange rates and what all fee you have to pay that may hamper your profit but as a whole, it is beneficial when done in bulk not just for 1–3 bitcoins.

Photo by Ishant Mishra on Unsplash


Colombia is ranked 7th in terms of Bitcoin trade. In the past years, Colombia has witnessed a growth rate of bitcoin trade which makes it a very fertile ground for Bitcoin arbitrage.


Arguably the second most developed country in Southeast Asia after Singapore. Malaysia is a growing ground for bitcoin arbitragers. There are a number of good platforms in Malaysia like Luno where investors can easily buy and sell Bitcoins and earn profit through arbitrage.

Hope this article helped you.

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