BABB token sale round-up

Published in
2 min readMar 2, 2018


It’s just over a week since we closed the token sale and we’ve finished crunching the numbers.

The top line

We sold 19,999,881,508 BAX…and we’ll burn the rest.

9,788 people took part in the token sale (including the main sale and pre-sale) from 146 different countries around the world.

In total we received 19,023 ETH, making the average participation 1.94 ETH.

At the close of the main sale the ETH price was $940, which means we sold out for $19.7 million overall, including the funds received in the private sale.

As you can see from this lovely pie chart, BAX is now distributed relatively evenly across the world as expected from our registration stats.

Some fun stats…

The first contribution came in from South Africa at 12pm GMT on the dot on the 6 Feb, the second from South Korea, the third from New Zealand, the third from the Ivory Coast and the fifth from Singapore…all within seconds.

Luxembourg has the deepest pockets, where the average participation was over 8 ETH — more than four times the size of the overall average.

The country with the coldest feet is Russia…where 2,138 people registered but only 252 participated. That’s just 12%!

Thank you!

The team is amazed and humbled and we want to say a massive THANK YOU for your support.

We’re very excited to begin building our dream — developing the BABB app and platform, prototyping the Black Card, building partnerships worldwide… and growing this awesome community into an unstoppable social movement to bring about worldwide economic empowerment.

There is a lot of exciting news coming up in the near future so stay tuned. We’re also planning an exclusive celebration and launch party for token buyers local to London — so if you’re in the UK check your inbox!




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