BANDAI NAMCO Mobile transitions to the four-day workweek

2 min readMar 15, 2022


BANDAI NAMCO Mobile was built to strive for innovation. Here in Barcelona, we have a very flat, open, and collaborative culture and employ industry experts, that are excited to challenge and push for this innovation in both our new IPs and how we operate as a studio. As is the culture, we believe that processes are never written in stone, and we should always be looking to improve the status quo. Today, we are announcing a big step in challenging the norm, as we transition to a four-day workweek. We are proud to be one of the first game studios in Europe to implement this.

We have monitored pilot schemes across Canada, Iceland, and the UK and have found the results to be strongly in favor across most industries including Video Games. Taking the learnings from other trialists, we are confident that moving to a four-day workweek, will improve our ability to innovate and breakthrough new barriers in the Mobile F2P market.

From the week commencing 7th March 2022, Fridays will become non-working days for BANDAI NAMCO Mobile employees in our 6-month trial. Our offices will remain closed. All salaries and benefits will remain the same, we will be focusing our time on working smarter and more efficiently. Coupled with an extra day of rest, we are confident that we will have the same (or more!) output in fewer working hours.

Work-life balance has always been a priority for us and since the beginning of our studio, we have empowered our teams to strike the right balance between their professional and private life based on their unique needs thanks to unlimited holidays, hybrid working, and no set working hours. Trialing the move to the four-day workweek is the next logical step for us to continue striving to reduce stress, increase creativity and enable our teams to do their very best work. This model has shown significant mental health improvements and a reduction of mental health days off by employees, as an industry that has close links with burn-out, wellbeing is a top priority for us and has been a key factor in us adopting this change.

We as a studio (as you may expect!), are excited about transitioning to this new working model and look forward to having an extra day picking up new and forgotten hobbies, spending time with loved ones, studying and developing ourselves, or simply just relaxing and play more games. We are excited to share our findings with you over the next 6 months, as we continue to challenge the norm.


