Congratulations Bailey Collins, #BANDhasYourBack!

BAND for groups
Published in
4 min readOct 1, 2018

This season, BAND went on the look for exceptional young athletes who empower and inspire everyone around them. We asked coaches to tell us about an athlete that has inspired them and the rest of their teams to work harder and push forward in the face of challenges.

We were amazed by the incredible stories that coaches from all over the country sent in about their athletes. The amount of love and passion felt by the coaches who submitted was clear in every entry, and it has been very difficult to narrow down the list of deserving and qualified athletes.

BAND is very pleased to present our Recommended Athlete Scholarship to Bailey Collins.

Congratulations, Bailey!

Based on her skill, sportsmanship, and perseverance, Bailey Collins has been awarded the ‘Recommended Athlete’ Scholarship by everyone here at BAND. We hope she continues to uplift her teammates and helps them band together!

Bailey Collins is a drum major with the Somerset Berkley Regional High School “Blue Raider” Marching Band in Somerset, MA.

Bailey is responsible for keeping time as the band’s conductor, making sure the entire band is running smoothly on and off the field, and motivating her peers to work hard and be the best that they can be.

In addition to marching band, Bailey is a part of nearly every music group Somerset has on offer.

From concert and symphonic band to show choir pit band and jazz, Bailey does it all.

What many people don’t realize about marching band is that it’s quite an athletic sport! In addition to hitting all their notes and performing their music in artistic and creative ways, marching band athletes have to run all around the field carrying big, heavy instruments while being in sync with each other!

During marching practice, the band runs all these moves over and over, until they cemented into their bodies.

Bailey’s job is even tougher still — in addition to her role as a drum major, sometimes she’ll switch it up mid-performance and grab her instrument!

While most musicians are focused on their own performance, Bailey is devoted to supporting the entire team. As a student leader, she acts as a liaison between the students and the staff.

She does a lot of work behind the scenes to support her Band Director and the other staff members and make their jobs easier. Even when her Band Director gets frustrated, Bailey is able to maintain her composure and keep a level head.

Both Bailey and her Director believe that if you can tackle the responsibilities of being in marching band, you can tackle everything. For veteran teacher Coach David Marshall, marching band isn’t all about teaching his students to become professional musicians.

“Ten percent of what we do is [marching] band, ninety percent of it is life.” — Coach David Marshall

His marching band is about training students to love music and have it as a part of their life, whichever path they choose.

For Bailey, she often surprises people with her love for the fashion industry — a goal she’s brought with her from middle school. When she leaves to pursue her career in fashion, Bailey hopes to continue to incorporate her love of music through playing or tutoring others.

At BAND, we are inspired by Bailey’s leadership and passion for pursuing her dreams. We hope that this scholarship will inspire Bailey and her team to continue pursuing their dreams and band together!

A great coach inspires their athletes, but great athletes inspire their coaches.

Event Period: August 7th — September 30th

Thank you to everyone who submitted their athletes for our competition. Our submissions may be closed, but we have plenty of winners still to be announced!

Stay tuned to our blog and social media for more contest updates.

