Congratulations Jasmyne Nelson, #BANDhasYourBack!

3 min readOct 23, 2018


This season, BAND went on the look for exceptional young athletes who empower and inspire everyone around them. We asked coaches to tell us about an athlete that has inspired them and the rest of their teams to work harder and push forward in the face of challenges.

We were amazed by the incredible stories that coaches from all over the country sent in about their athletes. The amount of love and passion felt by the coaches who submitted was clear in every entry, and it has been very difficult to narrow down the list of deserving and qualified athletes.

BAND is very pleased to present our Recommended Athlete Scholarship to Jasmyne Nelson.

Congratulations, Jasmyne!

Based on her skill, sportsmanship, and perseverance, Jasmyne has been awarded the ‘Recommended Athlete’ Scholarship by everyone here at BAND. We hope she continues to uplift her teammates and help them band together!

Jasmyne Nelson is a senior dance team captain at Lyman High School. She has been a part of the program for the past four years and competed on the Winterguard Team in the spring. Her coaches describe her as a hard worker and dedicated captain for the team. She’s the first one in and the last one out.

“I love the different lessons and experiences that [dance] brings. It lets you learn that even if you’re not the best one in the room you should still try your best and push to become better, and even if you think that you are the best one, it teaches you to be humble about it and transfer what you know to the people in need of help and it lets you work to inspire them. I love the experiences of making new friends and learning to digest all of the choreo[graphy] and [the] responsibilities that are given to you. I also like that it made me broaden my horizons and be more willing to try new things.” — Jasmyne

In addition to her accomplishments in dance, Jasmyne has a 4.0 GPA, is a member of the National Honors Society and Rotary International, and has studied Spanish for four years.

When she isn’t inspiring her teammates, she’s out giving back to her community. She volunteers for E.S.T.H.E.R., an outreach program supporting single mothers.

After graduation, Jasmyne plans to attend a top university in Florida. She hopes to become a Physician’s Assistant after she graduates.

At BAND, we are inspired by Jasmyne’s dedication and passion for uplifting her community. We hope that this scholarship will inspire Jasmyne and everyone on her team to continue pursuing their dreams and band together!

A great coach inspires their athletes, but great athletes inspire their coaches.

Event Period: August 7th — September 30th

Thank you to everyone who submitted their athletes for our competition. Our submissions are now closed.

