Network ThroughPut on WAB Network and How This Works out

BAW Network
5 min readNov 25, 2018


WAB Network set out to solve the slow pace of transactions besetting the major blockchains such as Ethereum and Bitcoin. Spotlighting a possible height of 100 million transactions per second is no mean feat, and this is what WAB will make possible.

Since the blockchain first existed, its problem has always been scalability. The problem stems from how the original blockchain, Bitcoin, was structured. An inherently slow and energy guzzling consensus algorithm, combined with relatively small block sizes, combined to result in a blockchain that performs less than ideally with real world settings and demands.

Current research and projects are all about solving the scalability problem. This is because, once solved, blockchain can finally begin to enter mainstream acceptance and widespread adoption. To do so, however, any blockchain system needs to meet 3 criteria: it must be Decentralized, Secure and Scalable.

A lot of technologies have been proposed to solve the issue and build upon the limitations of Bitcoin’s original blockchains. More effective consensus algorithms, partitioning of the blockchain database, complex side and off chain solutions and others have been proposed. Individually, each has their own potential. But it is when they’re combined that their true power might be harnessed to finally solve the problem.

Network throughput

In considering a network throughput, what is measured is the rate at which data is successfully transmitted across the platform. On a general layer, it is measured using the bit per second format. On blockchains, it is done using the number of transactions that are concluded per second. It is no longer news that the speed of transactions on the Bitcoin blockchain has been roundly condemned for its snail pace. In effect, poor transaction speed is a drawback on the commercial adoption potential of the blockchain. WAB Network sets out to a difference here.

Using the blockchain metric, network throughput is not looking at uploading or downloading data as seen over a TCIP structure in internet layers. Transactions on the blockchain can be measured using the time of initiation of a transaction to its completion.

Irrespective of the platform that is used, the throughput is ascertained looking at the block confirmation time lines. Unlike internet protocols that work over routers and switches, on the WAB blockchain, the connected nodes are actively expedited based on the configuration of the capacities inherent on multigraph sharding overlay.

WAB Functionality

There is a new breed of blockchain that uses two existing technologies — multigraph and sharding — and combines them in a novel way. The result aims to significantly speed up transaction speeds in the network and makes it more efficient overall. This makes it achieve remarkable scalability — up to an upper limit of 100 million transactions per second!

The first component of this is Multigraph. Multigraph is a mathematical concept that is used extensively in computer algorithms and methodology. A multigraph is made up of nodes, each connected to another node with possibly more than one edge. Point A, for instance, can have three separate connections that all link it to Point B.

Applied to a blockchain network, the entire blockchain can be partitioned into separate nodes or cluster of nodes, called triangles. Each node or triangle contains only a portion of the entire data. A collection of triangles is called a multigraph.

This allows nodes to have less memory requirements, so much so that a mobile device with limited memory can become a node. Furthermore, this division makes nodes communication between nodes very fast. This is a key as to how high throughput is achieved.

The second component is sharding. Sharding is a technique for separating a database into component parts, called shards. Shards are efficient because it is easier to manage these shards than it is to manage the entire network.

It does this by only having nodes assigned to a shard to process that shard. Traditional blockchain dictates that the entire blockchain is utilized whenever a transaction occurs. Sharding significantly cuts the time and energy needed for this.

Together, sharding and multigraph combined leads to an innovative breakthrough in helping blockchains scale. Data is divided in such a way that the transaction data is thoroughly preserved in a manner that makes sense, and partitioning provides a boost in effectivity.

Multigraph sharding systems can also protect the entire system should a node be compromised. Because of the partition, this node can be quarantined and checked without shutting the whole network down. The system can simply redirect the workload of the errant node to another node, preventing any disruptions.

Layering on WAB Network

Clusters are also created dynamically, in such a way that, if a region’s load is increasing, it can split that region’s cluster, effectively doubling its transaction speed. Conversely, it can merge or reduce clusters if it feels the load demand is going down.

On WAB, nodes communicate with each other using a Directed Acyclic Graph (or DAG) topology. This allows blazingly fast speeds of up to 10,000 transactions per second, per triangle cluster. This caps at around 100 million, depending on the demand of the network.

WAB Network is also a quantum-secured blockchain that makes use of quantum cryptography to enforce trust during blockchain transactions. Nodes can be identified via a quantum key, and each node can verify the identity of other nodes. Quantum keys are aptly named because, even with potentially powerful quantum computers in the future, it still won’t be able to break WAB’s cryptography. This make WAB particularly future proof.


On WAB, multigraph sharding combines two existing technologies and combines them in a way that may leap over the current scalability problem of blockchains.

Both methodologies employ clever algorithms and structural techniques that efficiently divide the blockchain into manageable chunks. Having manageable chunks means division of labor and time, ultimately equating to speed and efficiency of the whole network.

A lot has been said about the scalability problem, and although no one has yet hurdled that obstacle, some come close. With a potentially verified transaction speed in the millions dwarfing over Bitcoin’s measly 7, multigraph sharding holds a promise as the WAB network is consolidated.

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