“Basketball Wives Twitter” Season 5, Episode 8 *SEASON FINALE*

Basketball Wives: Twitter
18 min readOct 20, 2022


Jasmine’s Living Room
Jasmine’s Kitchen
Jasmine Parks (Ex-Wife of Willie Reed JR)

Jasmine: *sits down on the couch crying while confessional plays*

Jasmine’s Confessional

Jasmine’s Confessional: After finding out Blake & Diamond are still together and he was cheating on me, I’ve been a MESS. I loved this man! *cries* I’m sorry. It’s still so raw for me.

Alesia Evans (Ex-Wife of Tyreke Evans)

Alesia: *arrives and walks to the door and opens it up* Hello… Jas? *sees Jasmine crying* OH MY GOSH! What’s wrong girl? *walks up and hugs*

Jasmine: Hey babe… *wiping tears*

Morriah Chanel (Wife of JJ Reddick)

Morriah: *walks into Jasmine’s house* Jasmine? I’m here! What’s going on babe?

Jasmine: Hey Morriah, guys come sit down it’s a long story. Do you guys want something to drink? *pulls out a big piece of chocolate cake and starts stuffing me face*

Alesia: OH- well I’ll have some lemonade.

Morriah: I think there’s a bit of chocolate on your face Jasmine.

Jasmine: *wipes chocolate off her face and continues eating* Sorry girls, I’m out of it. I haven’t slept in days.

Morriah: Why?

Jasmine: *pours lemonade for Alesia and hands it to her* Well, you know I was dating Blake Griffin? Diamond’s ex-husband.

Morriah: Yeah. Why? What happened with that?

Jasmine: Well… she wanted to meet up just to chat about things in general. I was going to tell her about me & Blake but I didn’t think it was a big deal because they’ve been divorced for a LONG time. Like years. Before I can even tell her, she tells me she got back with him 2 months ago. So he’s been cheating on me!

Morriah: *gasps* What?!

Jasmine: Yes… *starts to cry again*

Morriah: Let me give you a tissue. *grabs a tissue and wipes the tears of Jasmine’s face*

Jasmine: I had this man around my kids! My kids LOVED him!

Morriah: *wraps hands around Jasmine*

Jasmine: We went on vacations together. He would spend days here at my house. *continues crying* And I also feel awful because I shouldn’t have been with him without telling Diamond. I should have told her. I let this man’s big dick get to my head!

Morriah: It’s gonna be okay girl.

Alesia’s Confessional

Alesia’s Confessional: I find it a little odd that she is sad… yeah it’s sad because he did technically cheat but that was your ex best friends ex husband. That’s breaking girl code on all levels!

Jasmine: But I have an idea ladies, we’re gonna get revenge on him. And when I say we… I mean we. You ladies are coming with me. *goes in other room and grabs a giant photo of Blake naked*

Morriah: *jumps and gasps* Okay I don’t need to see that.

Alesia: *screams and hides behind couch*

Jasmine: We’re going to go downtown and put this on a giant billboard.

Morriah: Oh so we’re leaking nudes now! Okay. *rolls eyes and chuckles*

Jasmine: Well he wants to have his dick all around town with other bitches then it can be out there for everyone to see!

Morriah: Girl what if you get sued?! Me and Alesia don’t wanna be apart of the legal case. No no no. *wags finger* right Alesia?

Alesia: I can’t right now only because of this baby. I’ll drive with you down but I can’t and won’t have no part of this.

Jasmine: OH MY GOSH! WAIT! I have a fun idea! We dress up as pizza delivery guys then deliver a nasty ass pizza to his house with a note.

Morriah: That’s not a criminal act so I’m in!

Jasmine: Alesia you’re pregnant so you’ll be the getaway driver. Morriah, you and I will be the pizza delivery guys. *goes to my closet and gets Morriah and I costumes* here Morriah, put this shirt and pants on plus this mustache and wig.

Jasmine & Morriah’s Pizza Delivery Man Costume

Morriah: Bitch we’re doing it now?!

Jasmine: Yep! I’m ready girl! I have left over pizza in the fridge, I have an old pizza delivery box in my garage and I’m gonna put some nasty ingredients on it.

Morriah: Let’s put a dirty sock in it!

Jasmine: Yes! *runs and grabs my sons socks and rubs it all over the pizza* He HATES mustard so I’m gonna put some mustard on it. *squirts mustard on the pizza*

Alesia: What else does he not like?

Jasmine: He’s not picky so it’s hard *laughs* Alesia, can you pee on the pizza? I know you’re pregnant and you have to pee a lot.

Morriah: EW! *gags*

Alesia: We should make him a drink do you have a soda bottle?

Jasmine: Yes! *grabs a soda bottle*

Alesia: I’m gonna him a very special Dr. Pepper! *winks and laughs* I’m gonna need some BBQ sauce plus some dirt. *grabs BBQ sauce from the fridge*

Jasmine: *goes outside and digs up some dirt* here you go Alesia!

Alesia: *pours water inside the bottle and bbq sauce* What else does he not like that wouldn’t change the color?

Jasmine: I’m not sure but I think that’s good! Let’s go ladies!

Alesia: *walks to car* Get in bitches! It’s either me or Uber! *laughs and drives off*

Blake Griffin’s Home

Jasmine: We’re here ladies!

Alesia: He lives in a shed holy shit!

Jasmine: This is just one of his homes. He has multiple. Okay Alesia be ready to speed off when we’re done.

Morriah: Let’s do this girl. *gets out of the car with Jasmine and walks to the door*

Jasmine: *rings the doorbell*

Blake Griffin (Jasmine’s Ex-Boyfriend)

Blake: umm… may I help you gentleman?

Jasmine: Yes sir, I have a large pizza for you and a drink

Blake: Uhhhh I didn’t order any pizza?

Morriah: I guess you did.

Jasmine: It’s a gift from someone… *shakes up the bottle of soda and then opens it and let’s it spray on him* That’s from Jasmine you ASSHOLE!

Morriah: *chuckles and runs*

Jasmine: *Throws the pizza on him* THAT TOO! *runs away and gets in the car* drive drive drive!!

Alesia: *drives off quickly*

Jasmine: *laughs* we did it bitches! Thank you both so much for doing this with me, it means a lot! You’re both my real ride or dies!

Jasmine’s Confessional: These two girls are my sisters for life, I love them both!

Twitter Courthouse

*camera pans over courthouse*

Bre Childs (Ex-Wife of Michael Childs)

*a car pulls up and Bre’Symone is shown getting out of the car with her mother*

Bre: Mama, I’m so nervous. I can’t lose my son.

Tammy (Bre’s Mother)

Tammy: Baby hush, you will be okay. There’s no way you’ll lose this.

Bre’s Confessional

Bre’s Confessional: Today is the day that I have to go into that courthouse and put it all out there in an effort to make sure my son stays with me. If I lose custody of my son, I lose my identity and who I am. My son is my life.

*Bre and her mother walk up to her lawyer*

Serena (Bre’s Laywer)

Serena: Are you ready?

Bre: *nods* It’s going to work out.

Tammy: You are a strong woman and God is on your side. You will have your baby when we walk out of these doors.

*Bre, Tammy, and the lawyer walk into the courthouse and the screen goes black*

*Bre and Tammy exit the courthouse smiling and hugging with other family members*

Bre’s Confessional: After a draining process that lasted 3 hours; the judge granted me full custody of my son. Reliving the abuse my ex husband put me through in this trial has truly drained me, but being able to tell my truth in order to keep my son — I wouldn’t do it differently.

Bre: I got to go get my baby from school! *laughs*

*the cameras fade away as Bre is seen celebrating with her family outside of the courthouse*

Jasmine’s HonesTEA Party
Jasmine’s HonesTEA Party

Jasmine: *walking around the old mansion making sure everything is set up correctly* YASSS team, this is beautiful! I love this! *high fives one of the workers* YASS! We did this! You guys did this! Woohoo!

Jasmine’s Confessional: Today I rented out this gorgeous historic mansion and I invited a few of the ladies to have an HonesTEA party. We will be getting everything out on the table so we all can move forward. Obviously I didn’t invite Lola or Eva because they’re insane. I don’t need wild animals at this very bougie tea party, okay? *snaps fingers*


Bre: *walks into the event* Hello miss ma’am!

Jasmine: *sees Bre* Hey girl! I love this dress!! *hugs Bre* I know you’re not the biggest fan of pink, but you look gorgeous! *laughs*

Bre: *laughs* thank you girl! Where are the other ladies? I’m late myself!

Jasmine: Girl, I don’t know. All of these bitches have been late and Tati literally has been MIA. I’m so annoyed at her.

Bre: I have no interest in Tatiana or Alesia so I hope they both don’t show up!


Morriah: *seen walking out of her car and strutting towards the girls* Hey ladies! *double kisses both ladies on the cheeks*

Jasmine: Hey boo!

Bre: Hey Morriah!


Alesia: *arrives* Hello hello. *starts to have trouble breathing* Ooh chile! Being pregnant and trying to look sexy is hard as hell! *chuckles while trying to catch her breath*

Jasmine: *sees Alesia* OH MY GOSH! STUNNING!

Bre: *rolls eyes and ignores Alesia*

Alesia: Thank you babes! Now, where is miss Tati?

Jasmine: I don’t know where Tati is… She hasn’t answered, I know she’s dealing with a lot personally but she just has been MIA.

Jasmine’s Confessional: Tati has been MIA for a while. I introduced her to this group and now I look like an idiot because it comes off like she’s too scared to be around these ladies. Remind me next time not to bring any of my friends around these ladies. *laughs*

Jasmine: Ladies, let’s sit down and get this shit started. *shows the ladies the table* Whether Tati is here or not, we’re gonna have a good time!

Alesia: I have security waiting in the wings just in case things go left *giggles*

Bre: Things shouldn’t go left *smiles*

Jasmine: Things will NOT go left ladies. This is a classy tea party!

Alesia: Well I don’t know about that. *smiles*

Morriah: Who knows if it’ll stay classy…

Jasmine: Well ladies, this is an HonesTEA party for us to work out our issues with one another. We really need to come together especially after that horrible healing retreat.

Alesia: Can we just cut to the chase? Like I love you Jasmine but…

Bre: Cut to the chase about what? It’s a tea party girl, sit back and relax and have some tea and food.

Jasmine: Well Alesia, if you’re in such a hurry to go… you can start. And be 1000% honest with your feelings. Don’t hide shit! *pours tea for myself and starts sipping*

Alesia: *gives Jasmine a fake smile and rolls eyes* With all due respect… Bre I’m going to be blunt. You walked in like you had this issue in your head that I did something to you. You asked me about Tati, I was talking to Lola so when I was finished I answered and then when the issues got brought up you stormed out and then when I tried to go back and help but you screamed at me. Also I wasn’t laughing at you. If it makes you feel better I was laughing at the arguing between Jasmine and Eva. Which was still wrong but…

Bre: *rolls eyes* I feel like that’s a lie. You cried to me about Lola and Eva picking on you and then at the retreat you switched up on your true friends because you don’t want the stress of having evil women coming for you.

Jasmine: Sorry Alesia, but I do have to agree with Bre. Those women don’t give a fuck about you. They’re just using you to get back at us.

Alesia: Jasmine are you going to allow Me and Bre to talk or are you trying to make it about you cuz last time I checked we were good!

Jasmine: I never said we weren’t good but this is a conversation for all of us.

Alesia: Also Bre, I NEVER switched up! Let’s be CLEAR about that! That’s complete BULLSHIT!

Bre: You giggling and co-signing that weirdo and getting involved when she came at me was bullshit!

Alesia: THAT’S NOT SWITCHING UP! If somethings funny I’m going to laugh.

Bre: You laughing at the fact that a woman who tried to publicly embarrass you is coming at one of your supposedly close friends? That’s fucked up.

Jasmine: Alesia can you just say sorry for laughing because it was rude & it wasn’t funny! Like just apologize for laughing like you did! It’s not that hard!

Alesia’s Confessional: Is this an attacking session? If Jasmine had an issue she should put her big girl panties on and call me I mean shit we talked before!

Alesia: I apologize for laughing at the comments that was wrong and I apologize. There ya go!

Jasmine: Thank you.

Alesia: But Bre for you to scream in my face was gross!

Bre: Look — I don’t give a damn about your new friends who use to make fun of you; but for yelling in your face I apologize. But again — actions speak louder than words. Time will tell if your apology is sincere.

Jasmine: So how about you two hug it out!

Bre: I’m good on the hug.

Alesia: *sighs*

Morriah’s Confessional: These ladies are arguing about their BS, but I have something that was sent to me from Eva and Lola after the fashion show and it’s SHOCKING.

Morriah: Well ladies, I have something for you all. *pulls out folder from under the seat* This is probably too much but… *opens folder*

Jasmine: *raises an eyebrow* OOP! Not receipts!

Bre: Oh Lordy *laughs* What’s tea Morriah?

Morriah: After the fashion show, Eva and Lola sent me something very interesting. Apparently, some girl in this group is trying to quote on quote. Hear this. Bring me down. *takes out paper from folder* Jasmine may you explain, what this means?

Jasmine: *looks at text* What the hell?! I never sent this text at all!

Bre: What the hell?! I think those girls are EVIL honestly and I don’t buy any shit they’re selling!

Jasmine: Trust me Morriah, if I wanted to bring someone down it would be Eva or Lola. She made up a fake text. It’s very easy to do that now and Eva is a master at that. She wants you all to hate me and get me out of this group. She has been threatened by me for years.

Morriah: Jasmine. Did you know ANYTHING about me or the Chanel family before I came into this group?!

Jasmine: Morriah *looks Morriah right in the eyes and doesn’t blink* I swear on my Children’s lives, I knew nothing about you or your family prior to you being around this group. I have absolutely no dirt on you or your family.

Morriah: I don’t get what Eva and Lola are trying to do.

Alesia: Right! This just doesn’t add up!

Bre: She’s a liar Alesia! She attacked me in dm, she attacked you to your face! And now they are trying to take down Jasmine too. It’s bullshit and fake.

Jasmine: Lola is just Eva’s puppet, so I don’t blame her as much as Eva.

Morriah: Aren’t they both telling you Alesia that JASMINE HIT YOUR BABY?!?

Alesia: Well their words was that she tried to kill my baby…

Jasmine: Oh my gosh, not this again!

Alesia: Don’t worry Jasmine, I don’t believe it.

Jasmine: Well thank you! Because the last thing I would EVER want to do is harm your unborn child! I even took you to the hospital and made sure you were okay! I even paid the hospital bill that insurance didn’t cover!

Morriah: Alesia. Be honest. Who do you trust the least? Us or Eva and Lola?

Alesia: I trust Eva and Lola the least. I see where you guys are coming from. It looks like I’m choosing them however I trust you guys more. I made the healing thing so that we can make up and all go to my baby shower. Bre, when you screamed in my face that was bad! I am building a friendship with them two and I’m also friends with you guys. You guys have been nothing but loyal and good friends and I don’t have enough energy to fight with you *starts to tear up*

Jasmine: *gets up and hugs Alesia* girl it’s okay. Take a deep breath

Alesia: No get off of me! My pregnancy is high risk I am losing Iron it’s too much! I apologize for laughing Jasmine and Bre like I’m serious you guys are like my best friends in the group all 3 of you. I just don’t have energy for this fighting.

Jasmine: I understand girl. That’s why I’m trying to comfort and hug you.

Jasmine’s Confessional: Like damn, this bitch is off her rocker! But she’s very pregnant so I understand. I probably was the same way when I was pregnant so. *shrugs shoulders*

Alesia: I’m building a friendship with them so I’m not going to break it off but I have a lot on my plate. I can’t have this so it’s either you are in my life or you’re not.

Jasmine: We’re in your life, but we’re just saying don’t come to us with this bullshit anymore about me trying to kill your baby or that I’m lying to you. I’m not cool with that.

Alesia: I understand.

Jasmine: How about this, can the 4 of us agree that we’re going to stick together and have each other’s backs? Especially at this baby shower because both of them are going to be there.

Bre: Yes I can agree to that.

Morriah: Me too.

Alesia: Me three!

Jasmine: Ladies, let’s celebrate! *Pours tea for everyone and laughs with the ladies and sneaks some alcohol into a few of the ladies cups besides Alesia*

Alesia’s Baby Shower
Alesia’s Cakes
Taco Food Truck
Burger Food Truck

Alesia: *walks outside while the finishing touches are being made* Oh my gosh this is gorgeous!! *smiles from ear to ear while rubbing her belly*

Alesia’s Confessional: My baby shower is FINALLY here and I’m so happy that even though we have our differences, Jasmine did this for me. This is also a gender reveal party, so everyone is going to wear a color that matches what gender they think the baby will be… so blue for a boy or pink for a girl. I even have two separate cakes!


Jasmine: *walks to Alesia’s backyard* hi mama!! Everything turned out beautiful!

Alesia: Hello!! Thank you so much for planning it!

Jasmine: You’re welcome girl! Unfortunately, Bre couldn’t make it. She’s really sick and has a fever so she didn’t want to get anyone sick but she sends her love. *hands Alesia a few different bags of presents*

Tati King (Girlfriend of Dante Glover)

Tati: *gets out of car and starts walking towards the backyard*

Tati’s Confessional: I’m here, bitches! *laughs* I’m here to support my girl Alesia. Yes, I’ve been absent from a lot of things but that’s because my Father has been fighting for his LIFE. I’m sure if any of these bitches had this going on in their life, they would miss an event or two. Just saying! *sips drink*

Tati: *walks over to Jasmine and Alesia* Hey girl! Congrats! *hugs Alesia*

Alesia: Hi Tati! You look adorable! Thanks for coming! *hugs Tati*

Tati: Thanks mama!

Jasmine: *eyes widen* Oh wow…

Jasmine’s Confessional: Tati is finally here! Wow. Just wow. No comment.


Morriah: *walks over to the ladies* Hey babe! *hugs Alesia* You look amazing. I love this baby bump.

Alesia: *laughs* Thanks babe!


Eva: *walks in with Lola* Hello Alesia my doll


Lola: Congrats baby! *hugs Alesia*

Alesia: Thank you both for coming. Jasmine planned it. I had no type of involvement!

Eva: The person who kicked you in the stomach planned it?

Alesia: Yeah… before all of the mess happened I asked her to only because I couldn’t do it myself and after that whole thing I couldn’t hire someone new.

Eva: Oh okay…

Eva’s Confessional: This is awful. The decoration are tacky. The food is disgusting. And the drinks are rotten. This screams Jasmine.

Jasmine: Now Tati, baby! Where have you been girl?! You haven’t been answering my messages.

Tati: I don’t have time for that *laughs and motions towards Lola and Eva*

Eva: *walks over with Lola* Oh are you ladies talking about us? *points at Jasmine* THIS ladies and gentleman, is why we need to eat right and have a clean diet. Lola I think I wore the right outfit dressing for a funeral.

Tati: Oh wow! You’re such a bitch, Eva! Pathetic.

Jasmine: Oh shut up, Eva! Have some class.

Eva: We should have planned this event, Lola. We would have done a MUCH better job. *taps knife against champagne flute to get everyone’s attention and does it so hard the champagne flute shatters* LADIES!

Morriah: *looks at Eva and jumps* Woah.

Eva: Alesia has became a DEAR friend of mine over the past few months. I’m so proud of her and I’m so excited for you to experience motherhood.

Alesia: *holds hand to my heart* Thank you, Eva! Everyone enjoy the burgers and tacos!

Eva: *takes a bite of her burger* Oh my god Lola- I’m gonna vomit. This food is awful.

Morriah: I think it’s good!

Eva: There is mold everywhere Jasmine! This is disgusting.

Jasmine: There is NO mold!

Eva: The food has flies all over it! I’m so sorry you didn’t get the baby shower you deserved Alesia.

Alesia: *starts crying and yelling* TYREKE! I can’t do this!

Eva: You’re trash Jasmine.

Morriah: STOP, EVA! Did you see Alesia go into her home CRYING?! You’ve already ruined everything! Why are you ruining this?!

Jasmine: I have been trying to ignore your asses *points to Lola and Eva* ALL night. But I’m tired of this shit! LEAVE!

Eva: Let’s go Lola. We won this thing. *smirks and walks out with Lola flipping everyone off*

Eva’s Confessional: Lola and I WON. We don’t need these stupid bitches! They can have each other! Bye! *fucks camera off and laughs*

Alesia: *seen in Tyreke’s arms* I’m so over this shit!

Jasmine: *walks over to Alesia* Alesia babe, I’m so sorry they tried to ruin your baby shower. But let’s have fun! I’ll get you a taco.

Alesia: *stops crying and walks with Jasmine to get a taco* You know I love taco’s bitch! *laughs*

Morriah: Tacos to Alesia is like cocomelon to my nephew. *laughs*

Alesia: *laughs* Don’t forget wings and fries.

Jasmine’s Confessional: Eva & Lola tried to ruin this shower, but I will be damned if I let these bitches ruin one of my closest friends baby showers. I love Alesia and I will do anything I can to make sure her special day is the best it can be.

Tyreke: *grabs a microphone with Alesia eating a taco by his side* I just want to say a quick little message before we cut the cakes. Alesia, you’re one of the most beautiful souls I’ve ever met and… *gets on one knee*

Alesia: *gasps*

Jasmine: *sees Tyreke get on one knee* OH MY GOSH!

Tyreke: *pulls box out of his pocket and opens it* I’d love you to spend the rest of my life with you… once again.

Morriah: *jumps* Oh my gosh!!!

Tyreke: Will you marry me again baby?

Alesia: YES!

*everyone cheers*

Jasmine: OH WAIT- ALSO… I have the gender right here in this envelope. *pulls it out* It’s a… BOY!

Tyreke: *jumps* I HAVE ANOTHER MINI ME!

Alesia: ITS A BOY!!

*blue confetti goes all over*

Morriah: I KNEW IT! *laughs*

Alesia’s Confessional: Despite all of the drama this year, I’m SO excited to have another baby boy as well as re-marrying the love of my life. And I can’t wait to do it with my best girlfriends by my side. I couldn’t be happier with my life!

*the scene ends as the remaining ladies party it up*

Thank you SO much for watching “Basketball Wives Twitter” season 5! Season 6 is on the way… stay tuned.



Basketball Wives: Twitter

“Basketball Wives Twitter” is BACK! New Episodes every Tuesday & Thursday at 9/8c! 🏀