BCB goes live on DigiFinex!

BCB Blockchain
4 min readOct 12, 2019


BCB goes live on DigiFinex with double giveaway events!

Join now to enjoy airdrops and “red packet” giveaways!

On 15,October 2019 16:00 (GMT+8), Singapore-based BCB Blockchain, a blockchain protocol that supports smart city solutions, will be officially listed on DigiFinex, a global top 10 crypto exchange.

Deposits will open at 16:00 (GMT + 8) on October 15, 2019.
Trading will open at 16:00 (GMT + 8) on October 16, 2019.
Withdrawal will open at 16:00 (GMT + 8) on October 17, 2019.

Trading Pair: BCB/USDT

To celebrate the listing of BCB on DigiFinex, October 14 to 22,BCB will be launching two massive events; airdrop and “red packet” giveaways!

Event 1: Join the BCB’s Official Telegram Group to receive the BCB airdrop

Event Duration:

14 October,2019 16:00 to 21 October,2019 16:00 (GMT+8)

Event Rules:

1. Participating users are required to join the BCB official telegram group (https://t.me/bcbcommunity)

2. Participating users are required to submit their DigiFinex account through the BCB Bot @BCB_Community_Bot

3. Participating users are required to pass DigiFinex KYC1 and above

Bot Submission Process:

1. Visit the BCB official telegram group.

2. Private chat the BCB Bot @BCB_Community_Bot

3. Choose any of the ways to submit your DigiFinex account to receive the airdrop:

Email Submission: “1#youremail”

(Eg: “1#66666@qq.com”)

Phone number Submission: “2#yourphonenumber”

(Eg: “2#13112341234”)

Event 2:Raining Red Packets Giveaways!

Event Duration:

15 October,2019 16:00 to 22 October,2019 16:00 (GMT+8)

Event Rewards:

1. During the event, the user can receive red packet giveaways! The red packets are limited in quantity so please hurry!

2. Each red packet consists of up to hundreds of BCBs!

3. Users who have participated in the red packets giveaway event will still be eligible for the airdrop event.

How to get red packet:


Download DigiFinex App and log in. Go to: Home > Red Packet > Input password > Click “Open”.

DigiFinex app download link: https://www.digifinex.com/us-en/download
Or scan QR code to download DigiFinex App:

To get the password:

Add DigiFinex’s Official WeChat TTTTTTbaobao or jessdigifinex as friends to be invited to join the BCB Official Wechat Group where the password will be provided.

TTTTTTbaobao Wechat QR CODE
jessdigifinex Wechat QR CODE

Important Notice: All rewards will be issued to the user’s DigiFinex account within two weeks of the end of the event. Please check your DigiFinex account.

About BCB Blockchain

Building Cities Beyond Blockchain (BCB Blockchain) is a blockchain protocol to serve smart city solutions and its goal is to achieve a more livable, workable, trust-free and sustainable city of the future. BCB will be committed to the development of its ecosystem, providing a one-stop shop for turning smart city concepts into smart city solutions.

As the core infrastructure, the BCB token can not only support the operation of its ecosystem, it can also enable BCB holders to use dapps and smart contracts for the payments of products and services. With its low transaction cost, BCB can effectively improve transparency and settlement efficiency of transactions in cities.

About DigiFinex

Headquartered in Singapore, DigiFinex is a world leading digital assets exchange with subsidiary offices in China, HongKong, Japan, Malaysia and Korea. The founding team of DigiFinex are leaders from renowned tech companies such as Xunlei, Tencent, Baidu, with extensive experience in network technologies and Fintech development.

The platform has managed to establish itself as a trusted digital asset financial exchange among average consumers and investors in the global markets. DigiFinex’s registered user has exceeded 3 million, with more than 800,000 active users from over 150 countries.

BCB Telegram: https://t.me/bcbcommunity

BCB Website: https://www.bcbchain.io/

BCB Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BCBblockchain/

BCB Twitter: https://twitter.com/bcbblockchain


据官方公告,BCB将于2019年10月15日(GMT+8)登陆DigiFinex交易所, 2019年10月15日16:00(GMT+8)开放充值, 2019年10月16日16:00(GMT+8)开放交易,2019年10月17日16:00(GMT+8)开放提现,开放交易对为BCB/USDT。





活动时间 2019年10月14日16:00- 2019年10月21日16:00(GMT+8)




1.加入BCB telegram官方社区(https://t.me/bcbcommunity);






活动时间 2019年10月15日16:00–2019年10月22日16:00(GMT+8)





添加DigiFinex官方微信客服:TTTTTTbaobaojessdigifinex,回复“口令接龙红包”, 即可进群获取完整口令。

TTTTTTbaobao 微信二维码


下载DigiFinex官方APP并登陆 — 进入【首页】 — 【口令红包】 — 输入口令,点击【拆】即可。




关于BCB Blockchain

Building Cities Beyond Blockchain(BCB Blockchain)是第一个服务于开发智慧城市解决方案的区块链协议,以实现更加宜居、切实可行、去信任和可持续发展的未来智慧城市为目标,致力于其生态系统的发展,将智慧城市概念转变为智慧城市解决方案并提供一站式服务。

BCB作为核心基础设施为其生态系统的运行提供支持,持有者可使用BCB Dapps、支付等产品及服务的智能合约,并且BCB网络的高流动性和低交易手续费可有效提升城市中交易的透明度与结算效率。


D网(https://www.digifinex.vip/)数字资产交易平台是全球领先的数字资产交易所,主要提供比特币、以太坊、莱特币等一系列区块链资产的币币交易服务,由区块链及数字资产爱好者创办,核心团队来自迅雷、腾讯、百度,惠普等知名企业,致力于成为安全、稳定、易用、快捷的数字货币交易平台。DigiFinex由注册于塞舌尔的DIGIFINEX LIMITED公司运营,目前运营中心位于新加坡。


BCB Telegram官方社区:https://t.me/bcbcommunity


BCB Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/BCBblockchain/

BCB Twitter:https://twitter.com/bcbblockchain



BCB Blockchain

Building Cities Beyond Blockchain (BCB Blockchain) is the first blockchain protocol to serve smart city solutions