Your Words Are Powerful

Valeri McLaughlin
2 min readFeb 25, 2018

What are you saying every day?

Are you saying I am energized or I am tired?

Are you saying I am in pain or I am healthy and strong?

Are you saying I am crazy busy or everything is flowing freely?

Be mindful of what you say because what your say is what you are and what you become. So if you are saying that you are tired all the time then that is what you feel. When you are not feeling as well rested or not as energized, start telling yourself you are energized.

One day I knew I wasn’t going to get a lot of sleep and the next day was going to be fun and full. That day started at 4:30 am and ended at 1:00 am. I woke up and took control over my energy and thoughts. I started to say I am energized and there is enough time in the day to get everything accomplished. That is how I created that next day to be, amazing right? I was energized and was able to get everything accomplished plus more. My words created my reality.

Your words are energy and they guide you through the day. They DO in fact create your reality. Put your words out there to manifest what you want and how you feel. See how amazing and powerful you are.

A great way to magnify what you feel and create your life in alignment with how you want to feel is to set yourself up with some empowering reminders. My friend Ashley Gordon created this amazing BadassManifester Shop so you can rock high vibe style that represents alignment, empowerment, and creating your life purpose. You can buy shirts that say Create Your Life, Stay Magical, Believe Receive Repeat, and many more great sayings. She also create an amazing group called Manifestation Nation on Facebook. The group is meant to spark inspiration and is a safe place to connect with conscious creators and celebrate our manifestations.

Be sure to follow me on Facebook and Instagram



Valeri McLaughlin

Valeri is an Intuitive Heart Coach helping others connect their heart and spirit.