Izmir — old city with modern face


İzmir is one of the oldest cities of the Mediterranean world and has been of almost continuous historical importance during the last 5,000 years. Excavations indicate settlement contemporary with that of the first city of Troy, dating from the 3rd millennium BCE . Greek settlement is first clearly attested by the presence of pottery dating from about 1000 BCE . According to the Greek historian Herodous, the Greek city was founded by Aeolians but soon was seized by Ionians. From modest beginnings, it grew into a stately city in the 7th century, with massive fortifications and blocks of two-storied houses.

The modern city, with spacious avenues and buildings constructed since 1924, stands mainly on the small delta plain of the Kızılçullu (ancient Meles) River around the eastern end of the gulf and on the heights and ridges to the south. Karşıyaka (formerly Kordelia) district, once a separate town across the gulf from central İzmir, now constitutes the northwestern extent of the city. Konak district is the commercial centre of İzmir; the city’s residential quarters are concentrated in Karantina and in Güzelyalı to the southwest and in Eşrefpaşa, north of the bazaar. South of the commercial centre lies Kadifekale (Mount Pagus), on which the old citadel of İzmir was built. Alsancak to the north is the site of the recently enlarged harbour, whereas industry is concentrated in suburbs along the gulf to the northeast.

After World War II İzmir grew rapidly, partly because of its location, for which it was selected as the site of the headquarters of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s command for land forces in southeastern Europe. It also has a teacher-training school and the Aegean University, founded in 1955. Second only to the Istanbul region in industry, it produces foods, cement, cotton and woolen textiles and has petrochemical and engineering works. A large international trade fair is held there annually. Exports include agricultural products from its hinterland — chiefly tobacco, figs, cotton, and vegetables — as well as manufactures, carpets, and silk.

EBEC Challenge Turkey date 19–20 May will take place at Ege University. #TakeTheChallenge



EBEC — European BEST Engineering Competition

EBEC is an annual 3-phased engineering competition organized by the Board of European Students of Technology.