
It is the third day of competition of the Final Round of EBEC and today we had a whole reboot for both the challenges.

After the free day, where both participants and organizers had the time to chill, visit Turin, relax their minds and charge their batteries, FCA and Škoda’s tasks have been described to our Finalists.

For the Case Study, FCA challenged the creativity of the students into defining several aspect of a business case related to autonomous driving: level of the autonomous drive, target of the product, applicable environment, conceptual design and layout of the vehicle.

Furthermore, the business case needed to include details about the data collection algorithm. A really challenging request that left a lot of space for brilliant ideas to implement.

In factories’ productions, if accidental fire started, production would stop, causing economic losses not only for the damages of fire, but also due to the arrest of production and the water used to extinguish fire. This is the reason why Škoda asked for the Team Design a robot capable of annihilate the flames in the shortest time possible.

Strong imagination, flexibility and proactiveness were proved, interesting ideas came out and as always, our participants DESIGN THE FUTURE, TODAY.

Stay tuned to know more about a new Case study and the fire robot solutions of tomorrow!



EBEC — European BEST Engineering Competition

EBEC is an annual 3-phased engineering competition organized by the Board of European Students of Technology.