Biggest Opportunities in Marketing Analytics Consulting

BFO (Be Found Online)
2 min readFeb 14, 2017


Question for the Expert:

What are the biggest opportunities in marketing analytics consulting?

Answer from the Expert:

The biggest opportunity in marketing analytics is simplification. More and more, marketing platforms are being built to find new ways to analyze data, trends, and to help find out what is working and what is not. With all of these different platforms, there becomes an issue- how to present the data.

My suggestion- use a simplified client facing dashboard.

Some platforms allow for clients to log in to see the data, while others allow for an easy export of data into a spreadsheet or PDF. This is great for reporting on a few platforms, but with so many platforms being created, reporting time can increase greatly as well as the chances for items to be incorrect. The report interface might change and an analyst could pull the data incorrectly due to those changes. Also, the format could be different, making the new reports difficult to parse through. Either way, the plethora of platforms out there opens up a great possibility for mistakes to be made that can cost you and your client’s business time and resources.

I would say that in the future, there will be dashboards that showcase top line data from multiple sources but also have the option to drill down into the nitty-gritty data if desired. This API would allow data to be pulled consistently and accurately while the dashboard keeps itself up-to-date with the latest information you wish to show your clients.

In addition to helping automate the reporting process, it will also help marketers pare down oceans of data and present only what they want to have up front, instead of massive, bulky reports that could lose the client’s attention. Telling a story with data, while also making your reports “sticky” and easy to read, will show that you are willing to be transparent with the client. A win-win for both parties involved.

Marketing Analytics Consulting



BFO (Be Found Online)

BFO incorporates skillsets acquired from years of experience in SEO, SEM, Local Search & Web Analytics, to be a one-stop shop for your digital marketing needs.