Help Our Veterans — Be Found Spring Cleaning

BFO (Be Found Online)
2 min readMar 31, 2017


It’s everyone’s turn to help BFO Make a Difference. It’s spring! The birds are chirping, flowers are in bloom, and everyone’s closets are at a breaking point.

To help make your lives a little easier, BFO will be collecting gently worn or new men’s and women’s clothing or brand new packages of underwear for a spring cleaning clothing drive. To donate items, bring them by the BFO Office located at 3304 N. Lincoln Ave. Chicago, IL 60657, April 10th — 14th during regular business hours.

As mentioned in our Community Initiatives for 2017 blog post, BFO is committed to supporting the communities we live in. Our employees will be sponsoring a clothing drive to help our veterans who are serviced through the Jesse Brown VA Medical Center.

Jesse Brown VAMC provides care to approximately 62,000 enrolled veterans who reside in the City of Chicago, Cook County, Illinois and 4 counties in Northwestern Indiana. They also have 4 regional clinics and food pantry services.

Our goal for the clothing drive is to collect 60 bags of clothing by getting 100% participation from our home office employees, along with our friends and families. We are encouraging our remote staff to participate by donating to Veterans Hospitals in their areas or by donating new packages of underwear to send to the BFO office drive.

Our Chicago clients are welcome to participate, too! Please reach out to our Office Administrator, Julia Ebner at or 773.904.1188, and she will work with you to plan a time to pick up the clothing items.

Now, clean out your closets! Bring your clean, gently worn or new men’s and women’s clothing to BFO from 4/10–4/14. Let’s help out as many veterans as possible, since they have given so selflessly to our country.



BFO (Be Found Online)

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