Welcome to BIoT — IoT solutions on Byteball platform!

4 min readMay 13, 2018


IoT Background

The phrase “Internet of Things” was formulated in 1999, prerequisite of it was radio-frequency identification(RFID) — electromagnetic fields to automatically identify and track tags attached to objects.

Due to the widespread distribution of wireless networks, the emergence of cloud computing and the development of software-configurable networks in 2010 — conception of “Internet of Things” filled with a variety of technological content and implementation of practical solutions. In 2017 IoT become in more than only cyber-physical system for “home” using, it expanded on industrial objects (IIoT).

Here is one of forecasts from NCTA about future of IoT market:


Certainly, the market of “Internet of Things” will dynamically grow and develop. But all solutions must be stable, light and secured.

BIoT solution

The Byteball infrastructure is ideal for the Internet of Things (IoT) sphere: сore can be run on any platform that supports node.js, ready to work in 0.1 second, low technical requirements: 128MB of RAM and 8MB for the database.Therefore, we want to create a system for IoT and micropayments.

We will build an architecture for fast and convenient work of developers with byteball and payment channels using javascript or any other programming language capable of working with JSON-RPC, WebSocket or other platform.Main advantages of payment channels are: reducing the cost of transactions(paying only for the channel openning and closing), acceleration of transactions, secured spending of funds.

Our system will work on the punishment-based payment channels, where funds are blocked in multisig contract between the channel sides and to ensure the correctness of actions, the parties sign transactions that are carried out, but not published on the network.If a party publishes old data, it is punished and deprived of all means.

Some of our cases: payments, management and communication.

Charging your electric car, using a smart home appliance, watching a paid broadcast or using the Internet — this and more can be managed and paid by using BIoT.

The capabilities of the Byteball platform allow communication between IoT devices.

BIoT permit you to manage and monitor the process of payment and communication between devices by using our client on your smartphone or as in this case on the onboard computer of the electric car.

Our solutions allow you to control different devices by using wireless connections (Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and etc.). And in combination with the Internet - you get full control over all kinds of devices in one application. This all gives more opportunities in the further development of the our product.

Nearest plans

  1. Creating a testing DIY that demonstrates the real work of channels.
  2. Protocols support, documentation for protocols and CLI(Command Line Interface).
  3. Maximal optimization of channel creation and operation.
  4. A realtime HTML5-enabled client(pc/android/ios) to interact with the IoT device.
DIY devices

Contact us

Follow our Twitter for last news, and join our community on Telegram .Our github profile — BIoTws . Send us your questions and suggestions on - team@biot.ws .




We are system for IoT 📟 and micropayments 💸 on Byteball. https://biot.ws/