Universal Healthcare in the Age of Transhumanism and the Billionaire Class

Two viewpoints that are so close, yet so far away

B.J. Murphy
9 min readJul 30, 2019
Image by pixel2013 from Pixabay

Election season is in full swing here in the United States and I honestly couldn’t be more terrified (please, don’t call my bluff). While a group of politicians tries to win the hearts of 300 million+ American voters, the country is currently going through a significant crisis, from climate change to the rise of fascism.

And as if our lives couldn’t feel any more at risk, we still don’t have any goddamn healthcare!

Granted, we’re closer than ever to finally implementing universal healthcare here in the U.S. as nearly all of the candidates on the Democratic Party side support various incarnations of “Medicare for All.” It’s not like it’s taken us decades longer than any other industrial nation to consider healthcare to be a human right! *sighs*

The benefits of a universal healthcare system are without doubt. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), having universal health coverage results in:

  • Better access to necessary care;
  • Improved population health (the poor being the largest benefactors);
  • A reduction in the infant mortality rate;
  • An increase in life…



B.J. Murphy

Freelance Journalist. Marxist Transhumanist. Advocate of Fully Automated Luxury Queer Space Communism.