2 min readDec 26, 2023


In the ever-evolving landscape of Artificial Intelligence (AI), BK HAN’s mnemonic, “TAKE COFFEE EAT PANCAKE FOR TEATIME” serves as a valuable tool for remembering the crucial components necessary in crafting effective AI prompts. TCEPFT, represented by this mnemonic, encompasses six key elements: Task, Context, Example, Persona, Format, and Tone.

Photo by Roman Matovsky on Unsplash

Task, symbolized by “TAKE” serves as the core objective that AI is tasked to accomplish. It lays out clear instructions defining the purpose behind the generated output, be it summarize, analysis, creation, or other specific tasks, enabling AI to comprehend its role accurately.

Context, represented by “COFFEE,” acts as the foundation upon which the prompt is built, providing essential background information, setting, or pertinent circumstances relevant to the task. A well-defined context aids AI in understanding the scope and nuances of the prompt, resulting in more precise and contextually fitting responses.

Example, embodied in “EAT,” offers guiding instances, illustrations, or references relevant to the task. These examples assist AI in comprehending the desired output by providing tangible models that align with the expected outcome, enhancing the clarity of instructions.

Persona, denoted by “PANCAKE,” encapsulates the intended audience or user persona for whom the output is intended. Defining the persona assists in tailoring the language and style of the generated content to resonate effectively with specific demographics or readerships.

Format, portrayed by “FOR,” outlines the structural specifications or layout expected in the generated response. It encompasses instructions regarding organization, presentation style, length, or other formatting requirements essential for achieving the desired output.

Tone, represented by “TEATIME,” encapsulates the desired mood, attitude, or style expected in the generated content. It guides AI in infusing appropriate emotional tones, formality, or informality necessary to connect effectively with the intended audience.

Utilizing BK HAN’s mnemonic,


simplifies the recall and application of these pivotal elements in prompt engineering for AI. Mastering these core components empowers users to craft clear, concise, and tailored instructions, ensuring optimal output from AI models and streamlining communication processes.

About BK Han

BK Han’s involvement with numerous Ai Project; Legal Knowledge Ai, SRG Philanthropy Ai, WellBeing Buddy Ai, Bible Ai etc. As an Ai Innovation Coach -BK Han’s involvement, contributions, or initiatives within the AI and technology spheres, with Metaverse Generation, Machine Minds Channel, Ai Hustle, and his recent work, achievements, and the impact of the Ai learning initiatives witht the founding of AiLA -Ai Leaders Alliance.

#AI #ArtificialIntelligence #PromptEngineering #Task #Context #Example #Persona #Format #Tone #Efficiency #Communication #Technology #NLP #MachineLearning #UserExperience #Clarity #DataScience #TechEducation #Innovation #CreativeWriting #DigitalTransformation #LanguageModels #TakeCoffeeEatPancakeForTeatime #BKHan




Writer | Philanthropist | Ai Innovation Coach | Social Media Coach | WEB3 | Art & Music | Metaverse