How The ICO Landscape Is Changing

3 min readMay 25, 2018


If there’s one thing certain in business, it’s change. Every industry is constantly in a state of evolution, transitioning toward more efficient modes of operation and more extensive applications. The ICO landscape is no exception to this rule. Since cryptocurrencies first came on the scene, they have taken on an ever-wider range of roles, all while benefiting from technological developments that make them more convenient and secure. By paying attention to these and other changes in the market for digital currencies, you can take full advantage of this growing sector of the economy, whether as a developer, an investor, a consumer, or all of the above.

A Source of Solutions

The most significant ongoing change in the ICO landscape is the expanding role of the blockchain. Blockchain technology has grown from an alternative way to store and exchange value to an innovative solution for a range of market failures. By finding innovative ways to use this technology, developers and investors are solving problems that modern businesses had been unable to address.

The market for virtual goods is a powerful case in point. Ranging from games to digital accessories to social media features, virtual goods have been growing in popularity and value. While the creation of digital goods is relatively easy, the market for monetizing them was tremendously inefficient, in large part because it was so difficult for virtual goods developers and brands to draw up licensing agreements. Working together is made difficult due to a variety of reasons, including a lack of connections between brands a publishers and a lack of trust between smaller publishers and brands.

As a result of recent developments in the blockchain, this problem is a thing of the past. BLMP can use blockchain and virtual currency to provide a secure way for developers, brands, and consumers to exchange and track payments for virtual goods. They have also created platforms that allow these developers and brands to find one another, come up with licensing contracts, and enforce those contracts automatically. In this way, the ICO industry has made it easier for these parties to produce virtual goods, boosting their creators’ business prospects and consumers’ choices.

Speed & Security

In addition to developing tailored solutions that enhance other industries, ICO projects are coming up with new technologies to boost their own prospects. Chief among these is the cryptocurrency wallet, a storage and retrieval method for digital assets. These wallets allow investors and consumers to put their money in a secure place while still being able to retrieve it whenever they need it.

Cryptocurrency wallets are in a state of incremental improvement. Digital developers and investors are regularly finding new ways to make it easy to get money out of these wallets while still upholding the same or higher standards of security. The more successful these efforts are, the more interest there will be in ICOs, helping the industry as a whole to expand.

Open ICOs

So far, the ICO landscape has been open only to investors with vast resources or experience. But recent developments are making it easier for smaller investment offices to get involved. With the rise of funds of funds and other financial innovations, investors can buy shares that represent large numbers of different cryptocurrencies, providing a measure of security through diversification. Cryptocurrency ventures are also trying to make their activities easier to understand, thereby helping less-experienced investors. And thanks to the fact that blockchain platforms like BLMP are providing solutions to real, tangible problems, it will be easier for these efforts aimed at better understanding to succeed.

BLMP ©2018, Singapore

BLMP (Blockchain Licensing Marketplace) is a blockchain technology company working to remove obstacles and facilitate trust in the complex issues surrounding Supply Chain Management transactions in the virtual goods industry.

BLMP Network uses blockchain technology to connect digital platforms around the world with global brands to monetize officially licensed virtual goods across any digital platform; from games to streaming services & social media, allowing millions of users access to a whole new world of branded virtual products.

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Licensing platform BLMP connects brands with digital platforms to simplify the virtual goods industry using blockchain technology & smart contract systems.