BLOCX. Marketplace: A modern, easily approachable Distributed Computing Space for EVERYONE

5 min readMay 29, 2024


Did somebody say Distributed Computing? Yes, you are right. BLOCX, since its inception, had one thing in mind when providing an all-in-one computing space.

As you all know, BLOCX’s All-in-One Manager strongly emphasizes convenience. This means miners can use our software for virus protection, crypto storage, remote access to their mining machines, and even an Afterburner to overclock their GPUs for maximum performance. The next addition to this suite is the marketplace, which was specifically designed so that when a person’s GPUs are not in use or are in an idle state, they can profit by renting them out through our Distributed Computing Marketplace, directly from the desktop software or website.

BLOCX. Marketplace

The marketplace will first launch on our web domain, making it easily accessible for everyone. Later, the same marketplace will be integrated into our All-in-One Computer Manager to ensure flexibility and convenience for our users. This approach guarantees that customers who do not own our software can still operate on our platform through the internet.

A flexible approach for all users.

Distributed Computing Space for Everyone?

When we say that, we mean it. Let’s get into why. Nowadays, the available marketplaces require some technical knowledge to add your machine or set your computer to be available in idle mode. Additionally, you often have to download dependencies for either your WSL or Linux terminal.

Why are we different and more approachable?

BLOCX. Marketplace will offer two methods for adding machines, because we have thought about you all!

Method 1 — Automated Machine Adding
You will be able to download a client created by BLOCX.TECH onto your computer. When you open the client, it will run in the background. From this small client window, you can assign how much of your CPU you want to rent out, how many GPUs from your computer you want to assign to this so-called rental machine, and how much storage you want to assign. All in all, it has been made pretty straightforward.

Once you have assigned your resources and named your device, you simply log in to our marketplace and click on “Add Machine.” After that, all the inputs will be automatically filled in, and all that is left for you to do is set the pricing and availability.

Method 2 — Headless Machine or Manual Adding
The second option involves devices that either do not have a graphical interface, they operate with terminals. For instance, if you have a large number of GPUs or even a mining farm, you can rent them out by installing these dependencies manually on the server. After that, you will need to follow commands to decide your allocation, or you can simply allocate it all. All the information about the commands and how to set it up can be found in our GitBook. Pretty great, right?

That’s not all.

When we said we’ve thought about everything, we also considered instances or devices that might accidentally change their IP during the rental period or when the machine suddenly restarts.

Our system/client detects that and automatically updates your IP within our marketplace, ensuring that your device will remain listed and operate as it should.

Let’s dive into the Marketplace itself and the steps we talked about.

Marketplace Screen

From the Marketplace screen, you can search for available devices and rent them out whenever you need. This screen will always be visible and will be our default screen for the marketplace.

If you want to rent out a device, you will be redirected to the wallet login screen. The same goes for when you click on the dashboard because you must be signed in to your wallet before accessing your dashboard.

Dashboard Screen

The Dashboard screen is where all the fun happens, whether you’re rentee or a renter. From the Dashboard, you can track all your transactions or rental periods. As a renter, you have access to statistics such as your earnings, sessions, clients, success score, etc., like your own personal SaaS manager tool.

Add Machine Screen

This is the screen we were talking about. Once you have assigned your computer and created a device from within the client, all this data will be auto filled. You can then simply click on ‘Next’, choose your availability, and the third step would be setting your device price for an hourly rate.

Excited Yet?

Let us excite you even more! After our initial Marketplace delivery, which will include:

- Machine Learning
- Custom Docker
- Computing Power Access

BLOCX. will start implementing the good stuff, starting with Rendering. And that’s not all — in our next release, you can expect a bridge with Nuco.Cloud, our strategic partner with whom we have much planned, but firstly and foremost, we will be building a bridge between Nuco.Cloud and the BLOCX. marketplace. This means that you, as BLOCXERS and Renters, can not only rent out your device at our marketplace but can also assign it to Nuco.Cloud for their fixed pricing.

More about that soon!

We hope you have enjoyed this brief article about our upcoming marketplace and why it is meant for EVERYONE. BLOCX. will continue its efforts in building bridges and delivering only the best.

Now, let us share all this excitement which will happen in about a month, together with our GPU algo switch, the first-ever coin using the ERGOS algorithm. So, let’s get ready once again for a revolution because that is what we are about.




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