A Comparison of Map-Based Methods for Handling Type-2 and Type-3 Problems of Digital Circuit Design | Chapter 07 | Advances in Applied Science and Technology Vol. 3


With the advent of digital computers, several prominent problems of digital circuit design emerged. A particular elementary class of these problems, (called Type-2 problems) can be divided into two subclasses depending on whether an honest translator is possible or a sneaky translator is warranted. The case of an honest translator is simply an inverse problem of logic, in which knowledge of the vectorial function Z(X) is utilised to produce its inverse vectorial function X(Z). Though an old method of solving type-2 problems was known almost half a century ago, two modern map-based methods are now possible, namely the method of Boolean-equation solving and the method of input-domain constraining. The paper aims to expose and illustrate these two novel methods, with stress on comparing them together and demonstrating their superiority to (as well as an agreement with) the old conventional method. This purpose is achieved by way of three typical classical examples for which conventional solutions are somewhat tedious and cumbersome, while modern solutions are simple and insightful. Throughout these examples, the Karnaugh map is effectively utilised, either in its conventional version or in its variable-entered version. The Boolean-equation-solving method seems toinvolve certain unwarranted steps that might be possibly skipped. However, its map-based variant is an effective method for handling a related class of digital-design problems called Type-3 problems. An example of a Type-3 problem is given to show how this method resolves and circumvents a certain discrepancy that conventional techniques fell short of handling completely. The present study exposed, illustrated, and compared the two methods of Boolean-equation solving and input-domain constraining, which are novel methods for handling Type-2 problems of digital circuit design. Three typical classical examples are presented, for which known conventional methods of solution are somewhat tedious and cumbersome, while the map-based methods of solution presented herein are simple and insightful. Throughout these examples, the Karnaugh map is effectively utilised, either in its conventional version or in its variable-entered version. When used with Type-2 problems, the Boolean-equation-solving method seems to involve certain unwarranted steps that might be possibly skipped. However, its map-based variant is an effective method for handling a related class of digital-design problems called Type-3 problems. An example of a Type-3 problem is given to show how this method resolves and circumvents a certain discrepancy that conventional techniques fell short of handling completely.

Author(s) Details

Ali Muhammad Ali Rushdi
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, King Abdulaziz University, P.O.Box80204, Jeddah 21589, Saudi Arabia.

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View Volume: https://doi.org/10.9734/bpi/aast/v3



Advances in Applied Science and Technology

This book covers key areas of applied science & technology and other related fields (theme: biology).